What were the herbs commonly used in ancient times to treat external injuries? What about internal injuries?

Treatment of bruises all ingredients

Botanical form of Rutaceae plant JiuLiXiang, Xiang "JiuLiXiang" article.

Collected in the fall, remove the soil, sliced, dried.

Taste and smell "Wenshan Herbal Medicine": "Taste hard, warm nature."

Categorized as "Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine": "Entering the heart, liver and lung meridians."

Functions and Indications: treating rheumatism and paralysis, lumbago, bruises, testicular swelling and pain, eczema, scabies.

①Nanning City Drugs Journal: "Dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain. Treating rheumatism and paralysis; applying externally to kill insects and wash rotten sores."

② "Guangxi Chinese Medicine": "Treatment of bruises, swelling and pain."

③Wenshan Chinese Herbal Medicine: "Treating urinary tract infection, bronchitis, eczema, scabies."

Use and dosage Internal use: decoction, 3 to 5 qian (fresh 1 to 2 taels). External use: pounding compresses or decoction of water to wash.

Contraindications "Guangxi Chinese Medicine Journal": "Yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity should not be used."

Selection ① treatment of lumbar bone pain: fresh jiulixiang root five money to one or two, chopped and pig tail bone. Stewed with water and wine. ("Minnan folk herbal medicine")

② treatment of enlarged testicles: fresh Jiu Li Xiang root one to three two, and green shell duck eggs. Water wine stew. ("Minnan folk herbal medicine")

③ treatment of gangrene: jiulixiang dry root one or two. Decocted with water.

④Treatment of gout for a long time: jiulixiang dry root five money to one or two. The wine and water decoction to take.

⑤ Treatment of bruises: jiulixiang fresh root one or two. The first thing that you need to do is to take a drink of wine and water. (③ formula below out of "Fujian Chinese herbal medicine")

Clinical application of induced abortion

With 1 catty of dried roots of jiuliang, made into a concentrated decoction of 120 to 250 ml. Each time with a strip of sterilized gauze dipped in the liquid 5 ~ 1O ml inserted into the cervix. Operation and sterilization were carried out according to routine. Observe 177 cases, except for the failure of 4 cases in small months of pregnancy, the rest were successful, only a few with oxytocin, some of the placental abruption incomplete curettage. Side effects mainly include chills, fever, headache, lumbago, and lower abdominal discomfort.