What are the benefits and disadvantages of an aging population to society?


1: There will be less pressure to compete in education, and although institutions from elementary school to university will close down, involution will indeed be much lower.

2:There will be a lot less pressure to work. More people advocating robots, fewer people available to work, but not as many to choose from, and employee compensation would increase (refer to the Japanese employment system, which today is more willing to pay high prices to hire new people for life) Higher incomes and higher benefits would be the standard. The standard of living of the bottom social workers will increase.

3: passive forced industrial upgrading, technological upgrading, as well as out of the country to find profits. Expanding world influence.

4:The pension industry will give rise to new trillion-dollar giants.

5:High income and high welfare accelerates the attraction to foreign youths, and it depends on the policy as to whether it can screen out the quality youths to come over.

The bad:

1: The newborn population declines, and related industries (infant formula, diapers, toys, educational institutions, etc.) shrink significantly. Universities are likely to open a wave of closures (if the recruitment of international students is not ideal)

2: the future of the youth is reduced, social consumption will explode to reduce (Japan's low desire to consume, the elderly in the hands of the money but do not dare to consume or not the need to spend a large amount of money).

3:Pension deficit, the retirement age will be pushed back again and again (see Singapore seventy years old still working).

4: talent pool, unless we learn from the United States and Western Europe to liberalize the country and attract foreign quality young people to become naturalized, the talent gap will be huge. After all, our country is the whole industry chain countries, the need for grass-roots technicians is already a lot. I should have known that even driving an excavator is a skilled job.

5:The healthcare system will collapse. the pre-1990 population is too large, and with so many old people surviving, the demand for medical care for the elderly will explode. Society's acceptance of "old age is a thief" will intensify. (Refer to the extreme case of Japanese youths who killed an elderly man and then advocated and praised 3,000 people on the internet)

6:Hold back, delay until the pre-90s are dead, and then the dawn of society will come. It's only 40_50 years. To summarize, the bad things about education, health care, old age, infant consumption, talent pool are the obvious ones.