What is the network operations and maintenance industry?

The network operations and maintenance industry, which has existed since the existence of the network, is an industry that has evolved with the network. It has the following characteristics:

1. A long-lasting industry. Network development is getting faster and faster, with its accompanying operations and maintenance industry, is bound to be high-speed development.

2. Large gap in demand for personnel. The network has entered the era of next-generation IPv6 and the Internet of Things, massive equipment access to the Internet, operations and maintenance industry talent gap is huge.

3. Long-term investment in the industry. many technical positions in the IT industry face age limitations in their development, but for the operations and maintenance industry, age is an advantage, not a disadvantage, as time goes by. The industry is an experience-based industry, as the longer you are in the industry, the more experience you will have.

4. Salary increases steadily. The irreversibility of the development of network trends, the indispensability of the operation and maintenance industry, the continuous enrichment of the operation and maintenance experience, with the growth of the time of entry into the industry, the salary is bound to be a steady increase.