FC stands for "Functioning Capability" and is an indicator that assesses whether or not a system, component, or organization is able to function as expected. In the fields of computer science and software engineering, FC is often used to measure the critical capabilities of a software system such as stability, reliability, and performance.
FC is widely used in various fields such as business, military, scientific research, healthcare and education. For example, in the medical field, FC can assess the availability and performance of medical equipment to ensure that the equipment's ability to diagnose and treat patients is fully utilized. In the financial sector, FC can assess the stability and reliability of financial systems to ensure the safety and accuracy of financial transactions.
There are two main approaches to FC evaluation: simulation testing and real-world experiments. Simulation testing evaluates whether a system can function properly under different circumstances by simulating various situations and conditions in the target environment. Real-world experiments, on the other hand, test the system in an actual environment and evaluate the system performance based on actual data. In addition, it can be combined with other metrics and criteria for a comprehensive assessment, such as dimensions of security, reliability, and availability.