How does telesurgery work?

Tele-surgery is a combination of virtual reality technology and network technology that allows a doctor to perform certain operations on a remote patient in person, that is to say, the doctor performs surgical operations based on incoming live images, and his/her every move can be converted into a digital message that is delivered to the remote patient, controlling the actions of local medical devices.

It may seem strange, but it's not hard to understand that many surgical operations are now performed by manipulating instruments under endoscopic surveillance. In reality, this just makes the ? endoscope? and? instruments? become longer. Of course, this type of surgery requires a high degree of specialist skill and associated equipment. The world's first experimental remote surgery was successfully performed in 1999.

There are currently the following viable methods of telemedicine: Medical consultation via email This is probably the most actionable method. Through email, which is currently popular, doctors and physicians can connect for health advice. Remote Consultation As we know, during medical treatment, doctors need to collect information about various symptoms, signs and relevant instrumental tests of the patient in order to make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.

This is accomplished by installing certain software and hardware (e.g., cameras, microphones, speakers, and related software) at both the doctor's and the patient's ends, and transmitting signals over a network to ? listening to each other? and? watch each other? . In this way, a basic remote counseling process is established. However, this is not enough. During the diagnostic process there is a lot of information about instrumental examination items and some physical examinations that must be carried out in person by experienced specialists, which requires more forms of remote information exchange.

This must be installed with some special equipment and software in order to be realized. There are already some teleconsultation systems that can receive patient information (most commonly some medical imaging information, such as X-rays, CT, MR*** vibrations, ultrasounds, and endoscopy information) via a scanner or a digital medical examination instrument to transfer it to a remote specialist. Remote specialists can also easily view and process information transferred via specific software, such as measurements, markings, etc. on CT films.

If necessary, the doctor in the patient's area can be advised to perform appropriate instrumentation to obtain more detailed information. The specialist performs the patient's own ? examination? is no longer a fantasy. Through a combination of virtual reality and web technologies, specialists can use devices such as ? digital gloves? tools such as digital gloves? examine a remote patient to get first-hand information. remote patients to get first-hand information.

Telemedicine places higher demands on the quality of medical staff. In short, the significance of telemedicine is to break through regional boundaries, to enable more people to enjoy advanced medical services, and to rationalize medical resources. It will undoubtedly facilitate the realization of people and greatly expand the beautiful ideal of healthcare for all.