Question 2: What does it mean to have an overall system design? The system design work should be carried out from top to bottom. First design the overall structure, and then layer by layer, until the design of each module. Overall design mainly refers to the system analysis based on the division of the entire system (subsystems), machinery and equipment (including soft and hard equipment) configuration, data storage rules, as well as the entire system to achieve the planning and other aspects of a reasonable arrangement.
First, the task of system design
1. The concept of system design
System design, also known as the physical design, is the second stage of the development of management information systems, system design can usually be divided into two phases to carry out, the first is the overall design, the task of designing the system's framework and overview, and to the user units and the leadership of the department to make a detailed report and endorsement, on the basis of this The second phase of DD detailed design, these two parts of the work is interlinked, need to cross, this chapter will be the two parts of the content of the combination of the introduction.
System design is the work carried out by the developers, who convert the logical model of the target system obtained in the system design phase into a physical model of the target system, and the results of this phase of work, the DD system design specification, are the basis for the next phase of work on system implementation.
2. The main content of the system design
The main task of the system design is to carry out the overall design and detailed design. The following are the specific contents of their respective descriptions.
(1) Overall design
The overall design includes the design of the system module structure and the configuration of the computer physical system design.
System module structure design
The task of system module structure design is to divide the subsystems, and then determine the module structure of the subsystems and draw the module structure diagram. The following issues must be considered in this process:
How to divide a system into subsystems;
How each subsystem can be divided into modules;
How to determine the data to be transferred between subsystems and modules and their calling relationships;
How to evaluate and improve the quality of the module structure.
Computer physical system configuration program design
In the overall design, but also the design of the specific configuration of the computer physical system, to solve the configuration of computer hardware and software systems, the configuration of the communication network system, the configuration of the computer room equipment and other issues. Computer physical system specific configuration program to be agreed by the user units and leading departments before implementation.
The development of management information systems, a large number of lessons learned shows that the choice of computer hardware and software equipment can not just look at the ads or information introduction, it is necessary to carry out a full investigation and research, it is best to use the hardware and software equipment should have been used to understand the operation of the unit and the advantages and disadvantages of the situation and seek the views of the relevant experts, and then demonstrate, and finally write a computer physical system configuration program report.
From the actual situation in China, many units are the first to buy a computer and then decide to develop. This unscientific, blind approach is not desirable, it will cause great waste. Because, computer replacement is very fast, that is, in the early stages of development and in the development of the middle and late stage of system implementation to buy computer equipment, the price difference will be very big. Therefore, in the development of management information systems in the process should be in the overall design stage of the system design before the specific design of the computer physical system configuration program.
(2) Detailed design
On the basis of the overall design, the second step is the detailed design, the main process design to determine the detailed implementation of each module within the process, including the local data organization, control flow, each step of the specific processing requirements, etc., in general, the processing of the module detailed design of the difficulty has been less, the key is to use a suitable way to describe the implementation of each module. The execution process of each module, commonly used flowcharts, problem analysis charts, IPO charts and process design language; in addition to the processing process design, there are code design, interface design, database design, input and output design.
(3) Prepare the system design specification
The result of the system design phase is the system design specification, which is mainly composed of module structure diagrams, module specifications and other detailed design content.... >>
Question 3: What does it mean to implement a system in a database? Take some ideas, methods and describe them in a computer system! @
Question 4: What is a system The word system in English comes from the ancient Greek word (systεmα) meaning a whole composed of parts. The definition of system should include all the properties that a system **** has. Bertalanffy, the founder of general systems theory, defined that "a system is a complex of interconnected interacting elements" [2]. This definition emphasizes the interaction between the elements and the integration of the elements by the system. It can be expressed as follows:
Definition If the set of objects S satisfies the following two conditions
(1) S contains at least two different elements
(2) the elements of S are interconnected in a certain way
then S is said to be a system and the elements of S are the components of the system.
This definition points out the three characteristics of the system: one plurality, the system is the unity of diversity, the unity of difference. Second correlation, the system does not exist in isolation element components, all elements or components of interdependence, interaction, mutual constraints. Three holistic, the system is a composite unified whole composed of all elements. This definition illustrates the basic characteristics of the general system, the system and non-system distinction, but for the definition of complex systems have limitations. In addition, in the strict sense of the real world "non-system" does not exist, constitutes a whole without connectivity of the pluralistic set does not exist. For some groups where the links between elements are so weak that they can be ignored, we consider them to be non-systems of the second kind.
To list some of the conceptualizations of systems by thinkers and futurists (from ***):
1. A system is a dynamic and complex whole of interacting structural and functional units.
2. A system is composed of different elements of energy, matter and information flows.
3. Systems are often composed of entities that seek equilibrium and display oscillatory, chaotic, or exponential behavior.
4. A holistic system is a temporarily interacting part of any interdependent set or group.
The author believes that the 4th conceptual description is more plausible. The 'part' is again composed of the system itself and other parts, and this system is at the same time part of the composition of other systems or "sub-whole". Both summarize the general characteristics of the system, but also introduces the concept of space-time and dynamics, that is, no system is eternal, is temporary and dynamic.
The system is universal, in the universe, from elementary particles to extragalactic galaxies, from human society to human thinking, from the inorganic world to the organic world, from the natural sciences to social sciences, the system is omnipresent. Classified by macro level, it can be roughly divided into natural systems, artificial systems, composite systems.
Natural systems:
Individuals within the system exist or evolve according to natural laws, producing or forming a group of natural phenomena and characteristics.
Natural systems include ecological equilibrium systems, living organism systems, celestial systems, material microstructure systems, and social systems, among others.
Artificial systems:
Individuals within a system operate according to artificial, pre-programmed rules or planned directions in order to achieve or accomplish functions, properties, and results that cannot be achieved by the individuals within the system alone.
Artificial systems include stereoscopic imaging systems, production systems, transportation systems, power systems, computer systems, educational systems, medical systems, business management systems, and so on.
Complex systems :
Complex systems are a combination of natural and artificial systems.
Complex systems include navigation systems, traffic management systems, human-computer systems, and so on.
In creating cybernetics, Wiener viewed the communication and control of animals and machines as one system.
In order to specify the object of study, the matter or space is artificially separated from the rest of the matter or space, and the delineated object of study is called a system.
In thermodynamics, a certain mass of gas is usually taken as the object of study, and this object of study is called a system
In fluid dynamics, a large number of fluid masses *** is called a system
The human body consists of eight systems: the motor system, the nervous system, the endocrine system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, and the reproductive system
The system of control is now realized as a system of control. Question 5: What is the structure of the control system now realized Hello, first, what is the C / S structure.
C/S (Client/Server) structure, that is, we are familiar with the client and server structure. It is a software system architecture, through which you can take full advantage of both ends of the hardware environment, the task will be reasonably allocated to the Client side and Server side to achieve, reducing the system's communication overhead. At present, most application software systems
system are Client/Server form of two-tier structure, due to the software application system is now being distributed to the development of Web applications, Web and Client/Server applications can be the same business processing, the application of different modules *** enjoy the logical components; therefore, internal and external users can be access new and existing applications, and new applications can be extended by the logic in existing applications. This is the current direction of application systems.
The traditional C/S architecture uses an open model, but it is only open at the system development level, and specific software support is still required for specific applications, both on the Client side and the Server side. As a result of the failure to provide users with real expectations of the open environment, C / S structure of the software for different operating systems need to be developed for different versions of the software, coupled with the product is very fast, it has been difficult to adapt to more than a hundred computers at the same time the use of local area network users. And high cost, low efficiency.
Second, what is the B/S structure.
B/S (Browser/Server) structure that the browser and server structure. It is with the rise of
Internet technology, the C / S structure of a change or improvement of the structure. In this structure, the user interface is realized through the WWW browser, a small part of the transaction logic in the front
(Browser) to achieve, but the main transaction logic in the server (Server) to achieve the formation of the so-called three-layer 3-tier structure. This greatly simplifies the client computer load, reduces the cost and workload of system maintenance and upgrades, and reduces the user's total cost of ownership (TCO).
With the current technology, the LAN to establish a B / S structure of the network applications
and through the Internet / Intranet mode database applications, relatively easy to grasp, the cost is also low. It is a one-time in place development, can realize different people, from different places
points, with different access modes (such as LAN, WAN, Internet/Intranet, etc.) to access and operate the *** with the same database; it can effectively protect the data platform and management access rights, the service
server database is also very safe. Especially after the emergence of cross-platform language such as JAVA, B/S architecture management software is more convenient, fast and efficient.
Third, management software mainstream technology.
The mainstream technology of management software technology and management thinking, as well as experienced three development periods. First, the interface technology from the last century DOS character interface to the Windows graphical interface (or graphical user interface GUI), until the Browser browser interface three different periods of development. Secondly, all computers today
Browser interface, not only intuitive and easy to use, but mainly based on the browser platform for any application software its style is the same, the use of people on the operation of the training requirements are not high, and the software can be operated, easy to recognize
Don't; furthermore, the platform architecture is also from the past the development of a single-user to the today's file / server (F / S) system, client/server (C/S) system and browser/server (B/S) system.
Second, the comparison of C/S and B/S
C/S and B/S are the two main technologies of the world's development model of technical architecture. C/S is the United States Borland
The earliest research and development, B/S is the United States Microsoft research and development. At present, these two technologies are mastered by countries around the world, domestic companies to C / S and B / S technology to develop products are also many. These two technologies have their own certain market
market share and customer base, each enterprise said that their management software architecture technology is powerful, advanced, convenient, can cite their respective customer groups, there are a large group of writers and writers for their own flag waving shouting, ads all over the sky, can
so that the benevolence to see the benevolence ...... >>
Question 6: How to write a system implementation document What is the meaning of the implementation document How does the owner want to achieve the effect? The system is not a batch program? Please make the question clearer Thank you
Question 7: system docking What does it mean 5 points 1
, system docking instructions
As shown:
Putian system and simple narration can be directly from the monitoring server video streaming call fixed network monitoring video.
As the Putian wireless multimedia
middleware and Hangzhou Jianxiu wired command and scheduling system support SIP
voice docking protocol interfaces have no obstacles, only
to open.
Realization of the function: all kinds of mobile terminals can be similar to the program-controlled intranet phone, in the program-controlled intranet phone
before dialing
first dial
, and then dial the program-controlled phone intranet phone, can be realized; if you need to dial to the public network
phone, can be
to dial
If you need to make a call to a public network phone, you can first dial
and then dial the public network phone directly. It's just that the caller ID of the public phone is a digital trunked landline phone
Question 8: What is the system through which the mobile classroom is realized? Three Steps Technology Now there are some service providers in the industry who can provide a full set of multimedia solutions, recommend Three Steps Technology, the reputation is very good, you can consider.
Question 9: What is OA office system? What does it mainly do? Hello! I am nine Si software to help you answer!
The traditional OA focus on the realization of office automation, is the electronic imitation of the paper office. In the functional modules, more functions and roles to speculate on the classification, each module and then the exhaustive list of multiple applications. The advantage of this approach is that the departments of the office entrance is clear, one-to-one correspondence with the function. Disadvantages of a degree of flexibility is poor, when the office or management changes will be obviously not applicable; disadvantages of the second is not easy to collaborate, the departments function independently, without interfering with each other; disadvantages of the third is that each module or even each application of the information format is different, the centralization of information and integration of the function is very weak.
Collaborative OA is more concerned about the organization's management and collaboration, in a comprehensive analysis of the organization on the basis of a variety of applications, a high degree of refinement after the formation of functional modules, each module are all to all users, can be cited as a reference, so that each user can be free to build their own application methods and rules. The overall training volume is low, the innate collaboration mechanism breaks down the departmental and functional barriers, information can be stored centrally, organic integration and reuse, can be widely used for internal and external management of the organization.