Immigrants in Germany to feel the happiness of the elderly, the birthplace of modern social insurance system

The European country of Germany has a beautiful natural environment to bring the happiness of living, Germany's social environment is also very stable, infrastructure is complete, life is convenient, the degree of automation is very high, Germany is a lot of people aspire to the European countries suitable for living.

Germany's medical system

Germany's medical system is relatively perfect, because Western medicine was born in Germany, so Germany's medical practitioners have a lot of experience, high quality, medical equipment, medical conditions, and other aspects of the strength of a relatively strong. Secondly, Germany has a relatively perfect health care system, which has a significant impact on the daily life of Germans, and which has been borrowed from all over the world. Again, this is relatively unique to Germany: Germans are a nation of systematic thinking, and although it is the birthplace of Western medicine, it does not reject Chinese medicine, and Chinese medicine has an important position in Germany. This can be seen in German hospitals, whether in Germany's large hospitals or small clinics, the walls are generally hung with Chinese meridian charts or tai chi charts. Germans this foreign civilization of tolerance, learning, absorption, borrowing, induction, are worth learning.

Germany's health care system

1. The birthplace of the modern social insurance system

As many people know, modern social insurance comes from the Bismarckian period, and its birthplace is Germany. 1883, Germany enacted the law of medical insurance, which created the first modern social insurance. Britain enacted the Poor Law at an earlier time, which is also a social security law. The limitation of the British Poor Law is that it selectively provides protection for the people, which is not universal and not everyone can enjoy the protection. The German social security system, on the other hand, takes into account everyone in society, regardless of status, position, occupation, all people must pay insurance, but also enjoy the benefits of insurance.

In 1884, Germany established the Disability Protection Act.

In 1889, Germany enacted the Retirement Pension Act.

The establishment of these three major insurance systems is the foundation of modern social security, but also one of the important reasons why Germany did not take the road of socialism.

2. Perfect insurance system

Nowadays, the social insurance system of the Federal Republic of Germany has been very perfect, no matter it is medical insurance, or retirement, unemployment and other insurance, all have been very perfect. In Germany, as long as you pay insurance, you can enjoy free medical care, which plays a very important role in the daily life of German residents.

Types of insurance in Germany

1, two types: public insurance and private insurance

2, public insurance (statutory insurance)

Not the state direct operation, but according to the law of Germany, by the full-time agency to manage an insurance insurance, in fact, the state does not play any role in the management, just according to Chinese custom, we categorize this type of insurance as public insurance. We categorize these types of insurance as public insurance.

3, private insurance (complementary insurance)

The role of private insurance is that, after the citizens on the public insurance, if you still need more insurance services, you can participate in private insurance. The analogy to China is the Chinese equivalent of commercial insurance. Private insurance also does most of what public insurance does.

Differences between public and private insurance

1. The reimbursement process is different

Public insurance does not require cash for reimbursement, as long as you give the doctor your card, you don't need to pay anything else. Private insurance reimbursement has to give cash to the hospital or clinic first, and then send the bills to the insurance company, which then sends the money to the account.

2, the reimbursement period is different

Public insurance, as long as the insurance, can be reimbursed; while the private insurance for some diseases must be paid for a certain period of time before reimbursement.

3. Different reimbursement scopes

While public insurance can reimburse all diseases within the scope of medical treatment, private insurance reimbursement has a directory, which clearly lists the diseases that are within the scope of reimbursement, as well as those that are not within the scope of reimbursement. For example, for certain major illnesses, public hospitals can reimburse but private hospitals cannot, so public and private insurance actually complement each other.

4. Different reimbursement rates

Public insurance provides 100% reimbursement, while private insurance generally only reimburses about 90%.

After reading so much, I believe we have a more profound understanding of the German health insurance system, it is worth mentioning that more and more Chinese people choose to immigrate to Germany, which is a very important reason for this, a perfect health care system for health protection.