Porcelain teeth a how much

Each hospital price is different, the material is different price, the cheapest is ordinary porcelain teeth, 580 yuan a, and titanium alloy, cobalt chrome, bio-alloy, bio-nano, pure titanium and other materials, the price ranges from two thousand to five thousand, the best is zirconium dioxide all-ceramic teeth, which is the most expensive is the Swedish porcelain, 8,800 dollars a.

General dental clinics will be in accordance with the price of dentures issued five to ten times the price, to charge patients. The current dentures in Xi'an are basically locally produced, the cost is not high, like a dental clinic on the so-called imported Swedish porcelain all-porcelain teeth priced at nearly 10,000 yuan, in the end is not really imported, it is entirely up to the manufacturer to decide.

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