Hazardous waste labeling is:
Generation, storage of hazardous waste units and containers and packaging containing hazardous waste should be in accordance with the "Hazardous Waste Storage Pollution Control Standards" (GB18597-2001) Appendix A of the provisions of the hazardous waste labeling;
Collection, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste facilities, sites should be in accordance with the "Environmental Protection Graphic Signs --Solid Waste Storage (Disposal) Yard" (GB15562.2-1995) requirements, set up hazardous waste warning signs;
Medical waste-specific packaging should be in accordance with the "Medical Waste Specialized Packaging, Container Standards and Warning Signs Provisions" (Huanfa [2003] No. 188) requirements, set up Medical waste special warning signs;
Medical waste transfer vehicles in accordance with the "Medical Waste Transfer Vehicle Technical Requirements (Trial)" (GB19217-2003) requirements, set up medical waste transfer vehicle signs. Various types of hazardous waste signage by the environmental protection department unified supervision.
Expanded Information:
Hazardous Waste Labeling Classification and Setting Requirements:
(a) Labeling Classification: In accordance with the national standard, hazardous waste labeling*** is divided into two categories : Place warning signs, packaging container labels. Enterprises generating hazardous waste should be set up in accordance with the requirements.
(2) Setting requirements:
1, place warning signs set requirements.
(1) Hazardous waste storage facilities for the house, the hazardous waste warning signs should be fixed on the outside of the house on the side of the door, close to the door on the appropriate height; when the door is not easy to fix on both sides of the door, it is fixed to the door on the level of the center, the height of the appropriate location.
(2) hazardous waste storage facilities built walls or protective fences, hazardous waste warning signs should be fixed in the enclosure or protective fence is more conspicuous, easy to observe the location; height of the enclosure or protective fence is less than 60cm, should be set up independent warning signs of hazardous waste.
(3) hazardous waste storage facilities for other boxes, cabinets and other independent storage facilities, hazardous waste warning signs can be fixed in the storage facility, or in the vicinity of the storage facility to set up an independent hazardous waste warning signs.
(4) Hazardous waste stored in a corner of the warehouse, to set up a clear separation zone, the hazardous waste warning signs fixed on the corresponding wall, or set up an independent hazardous waste warning signs.
(5) The generated hazardous waste sealed storage, the hazardous waste warning signs can be fixed in the appropriate location of the storage facility, or set up a separate hazardous waste warning signs near the storage facility.
2, packaging container labeling requirements.
(1) hazardous waste for containers, containers must be affixed to the hazardous waste labeling, when taking bags of hazardous wastes or containers are not easy to paste the outer wall of the hazardous waste label, it should be in the appropriate location of the Department of hazardous waste labeling plate.
(2) when only a single type of hazardous waste storage, hazardous waste storage in the warehouse, packaging container labels can be pasted outside the warehouse on the side of the hazardous waste warning signs, and hazardous waste warning signs coordinated;
hazardous waste storage built walls, protective fences site, hazardous waste labels can be tied to hang on the internal walls (walls, protective fences) in the appropriate location! When the stored hazardous waste in two or more kinds, hazardous waste labeling or hanging should correspond to its classification.
(3) When the hazardous waste storage facility for other boxes, cabinets, pools and other independent storage facilities, hazardous waste labels (Annex B-1) can be affixed to the left side of the hazardous waste warning signs, and hazardous waste warning signs coordinated and centered.
(4) When checking the hazardous category of the hazardous waste label, it should be based on the type and nature of the hazardous waste generated, and may be based on the National Hazardous Waste Inventory or the Attachment Explanation of Hazardous Waste Types and Symbols to determine its hazardous category.
(C) partition (class) mark:
1, enterprise hazardous waste generation type for more than two kinds of hazardous waste, hazardous waste should be partition (class) placement, in order to eye-catching classification of hazardous waste, in addition to setting up hazardous waste containers labeling plate, the enterprise should be set up in the partition (class) sign can be marked with the name of the hazardous waste items.
2, zoning classification logo size, color, set the national standard is not required, each enterprise can combine their own actual situation to set up, it is recommended that reference to the unified setup.
Xixiaxian New Area Administrative Committee - on the further standardization of hazardous waste warning signs and settings