What about the surrounding facilities of Anshan Vanke City Garden Community?

Address of Vanke City Garden Community: No.585, Yingcheng Road, Tiedong, tiedong district.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM include Vanke City Garden, Huiyuan Avenue, Mingda Community, Wanhe Street North Exit, Huiyuan Garden, Milan Community, Hunan Street East Exit, Huiyuan Avenue West (No.1 Park), Camilla Hotel (Dinglong International) and so on. ).

Educational resources within a straight line of 2KM 10 (Tian Tian Kindergarten, Bosheng Art Training Center, He Xin Education, Anshan Beiyite Whole Brain Development Early Education Center, Phantom Pop Dance All-Age Dance Shaping Art Center, Yuequ Art Education Center, North American Forward Gifted Children's International Education, Enlightenment Art Classroom, Dushan International Children's Art (Anshan South Campus), and Lepai Forest Situational Education).

There are four major medical resources around 2 kilometers, among which Anshan Tianrui kidney disease hospital is 460 meters away from the community, Anshan Gospel Hospital is 1 128 meters away from the community, Anshan Chinese Medicine Hospital is 1680 meters away from the community, and Anshan Kang Hua Hospital is 1822 meters away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Vanke City Garden are: (Jiajiale Fruit Supermarket (Huiyuan Avenue Store), Baizimei Baked Fresh Supermarket, CR Vanguard (Anshan Huiyuan Avenue Store), Convenience Supermarket (Wan Tai Emerald Hua Ting Store), Fresh Fruit Box, Xinjuyuan Supermarket (Huiyuan Avenue Store), Baiyigou Life Shopping Center, CR Vanguard (Anshan Si Long Garden Store), RT Mart (Hunan Street Store) and Jiataile Supermarket.

Click to view more: details of Vanke City Garden Community