I'm not sure if there are any minimally invasive procedures to treat hemorrhoids, but I'd like to know if there are.

Hello, at present, the most popular "minimally invasive surgery" is PPH, this kind of surgery is the use of anastomosis to hemorrhoids on the mucous membrane ring cut off a circle, and then the use of titanium nails within the anastomosis to the two broken ends of the nail together, in order to achieve the upward hemorrhoidal nucleus, blocking hemorrhoidal hemorrhoidal nucleus of the blood supply, in order to reduce the symptoms and signs.

PPH surgery has the following advantages over traditional hemorrhoid surgery:

1, safety: no need to remove the anal cushion, maximizing the retention of normal anal function, avoiding anal stenosis, anal incontinence and other complications.

2, painless: the prolapse of the anal hemorrhoids back to the original position, while cutting off the blood vessels to provide blood to the hemorrhoids, without damage to the perianal skin, so the postoperative almost no pain.

3, small trauma, fast recovery: anastomosis ring excision mucosa for non-open wound, bleeding less, eliminating the postoperative change of medicine trouble, can quickly return to normal life.

4, diagnosis and treatment scope: ring hemorrhoids, multi-flap hemorrhoids, huge isolated hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, annular hemorrhoids, incarcerated hemorrhoids, rectal mucosal prolapse, prolapse of anus and so on.

5, suitable for the object: due to less damage, especially suitable for middle-aged and old people, focus on efficiency of the white-collar crowd and traditional treatment of recurrence, accompanied by mild prolapse of the anus and rectal mucosal prolapse of patients.