What can a smart trash can do?

Smart bins are helpful for garbage sorting and recycling. With the popularization of new technologies and methods, many cities have introduced intelligent garbage disposal equipment such as intelligent garbage bins and garbage classification information platforms. At present, the smart trash can put into use in a residential area in Beijing has many components, such as full-load alarm, multifunctional LED display screen, intelligent dropping device, anti-pinch of dropping port, temperature detection, convenient light delivery, positioning, large-screen LCD propaganda screen, ozone sterilization, external cigarette case fire extinguishing and so on.

Kitchen garbage and other garbage are each equipped with a 240-liter trash can. When the capacity of the trash can reaches the upper limit, the warning light will light up to remind residents not to put it in. At the same time, the background monitoring personnel will arrange for the staff to replace the bucket. Before leaving work every night, the staff will also check the trash can and replace it if the capacity is full or about to be full. Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Domestic Waste Classification Information Platform was officially put into operation. The platform can realize three functions: domestic waste classification, removal, real-time data display of disposal, real-time tracking and tracing of domestic waste, and online identification of waste quality.

After the platform is put into operation, the unclassified garbage will "escape legal sanctions", and the garbage in the community will be dumped into the van, and then the van will dump the garbage into the container in the transit center. The dumping process will be recorded. Through artificial intelligence technology, 9 pictures that can reflect the quality of garbage are screened out and the evaluation results are recorded.

If there is a problem with the quality of garbage, it can be traced back to the source through the platform. Throw the garbage into the smart trash can, you can exchange some points and then exchange them for gifts. This way greatly improves the enthusiasm, initiative and awareness of citizens to participate in garbage sorting, and better promotes the implementation of garbage sorting.