Medical Equipment of Yanling County People's Hospital

The hospital's advanced medical rescue equipment provides a strong guarantee for the clinical front line, equipped with four ambulances, the latest generation of BrightSpeedExcel 4-row helical CT introduced by the U.S. GE Company at a cost of 3.8 million yuan is currently the most advanced CT machine in the surrounding areas, with the latest generation of JY-2650-type electronic colposcopes, ultrasound, electronic gastrointestinal scopes, lithotripsy machines, fully automated With the latest generation of JY-2650 electronic colposcope, color ultrasound, electronic gastroenteroscope, lithotripter, fully automatic biochemical analyzer, X-ray machine, multi-conductor electrocardiographic monitor, microcomputer infusion pump, and a large number of other advanced medical equipment, we carry out painless gastroscopy, intracranial fragmentation and suction of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage, cerebrospinal fluid replacement, hemorrhage hemostasis of fundal vein of the esophagus under the electronic gastroscope, removal of intracerebral hematomas in cerebral contusion, de-osteo-accompanying decompression and other surgical treatments for various kinds of severe cranial and cerebral injuries, extracapsular extraction of cataracts through small incision and addition of artificial lattices, etc, Ophthalmic plastic cosmetic surgery and other advanced technologies, carried out cardiac ultrasound, TCT testing and other testing programs, the establishment of a perfect hospital information system, convenient for the public to access to medicine.