What do the five attributes of cybersecurity mean?

The five attributes of cybersecurity encompass confidentiality, integrity, availability, controllability, and non-repudiation, which apply to a wide range of areas of the National Information Infrastructure (NII), such as education, entertainment, healthcare, transportation, national security, power supply, and communications.

1. Confidentiality

The property that information is not disclosed to, or made available to, unauthorized users, entities or processes. Confidentiality means that information in a network is not accessible and usable by unauthorized entities (including users, processes, etc.).

These information include not only state secrets, but also business and work secrets of enterprises and social organizations, as well as personal information.

2, integrity

Data can not be changed without authorization characteristics. That is, information in the storage or transmission process to maintain the characteristics of not being modified, not destroyed and lost.

The integrity of data is to ensure that the data and information on the computer system is in a complete and undamaged state, that is to say, the data will not be changed or lost because of intentional or unintentional events.

3. Availability

Availability is the desired ability to use information or a resource, that is, the characteristic of an authorized entity or user to access and use the information as required.

4, controllability

Controllability is the ability of people to control the dissemination of information path, scope and its content, that is, do not allow undesirable content through the public **** network transmission, so that the information in the effective control of legitimate users.

5, non-repudiation

Non-repudiation is also known as non-repudiation. In the process of information exchange, sure of the real identity of the participants, that is, all participants can not deny and deny the operation and commitment once completed.