Tissues are generally sectioned 10 minutes after freezing, to near cold room temperature, and are generally most successful when sectioned at -15 to -20°C. Each tissue has its own appropriate sectioning temperature, knife temperature, and cold room temperature, and the experience of Pearse and Bancroft is as follows:
Tissue Knife temperature Tissue temperature Constant cold room temperature
Liver -18 -10 -5 Kidney -15 -8 -5 Skin -35 -10 -5 Brain -18 -5 -5 Fixed tissues are generally 3-5 degrees higher The leading edge of the anti-curl plate must be at a sufficient distance from the knife surface to make sections smooth. The leading edge of the anti-coil plate must be at a sufficient distance from the knife surface to allow smooth passage of the slice. The anti-curl plate is slightly above the highest point of the knife surface. Can be adjusted empirically knife on the organization of the angle, generally new knife for 20 ゜. Operation procedure: first power on, set the temperature of the constant cold box, adjust the angle of the slicing knife, adjust the thickness of the slices, specimens placed on the carrier table cooling to the required temperature, will be placed in the slicer propeller. Then the specimen will be placed on the slicer propeller, and can be sliced. Constant cold box depending on the use of weekly or monthly cleaning frost. New knives are satisfactory for slicing; old knives are better sharpened with an automatic knife sharpener. If the location of the slicing knife and the anti-coil plate, the angle is in line with the requirements, and a sharp knife, you can get the ideal slicing.