How to treat rhinitis?
Rhinitis includes many kinds of rhinitis; rhinitis refers to the inflammation of the nasal mucosa and submucosal tissues, usually referred to as rhinitis refers to chronic rhinitis; rhinitis has a variety of manifestations. From the pathological changes in the nasal mucosa, there are chronic simple rhinitis, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, caseous rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, etc.; from the onset of the urgency and duration of the disease, can be divided into acute rhinitis and chronic rhinitis. In addition, there are some rhinitis, although the onset of slow, long duration of the disease, but there is a specific cause, so there is a specific name, such as allergic rhinitis (also known as allergic rhinitis), drug rhinitis. The characteristics of various rhinitis are as follows: (1) Acute rhinitis: caused by acute infection, commonly known as "cold" or "flu", there may be systemic symptoms; in the fall and winter or the turn of winter and spring is common. Sickness generally after 7 ~ 14 days will gradually improve. Those with strong resistance can recover without treatment. It is worth noting that many acute infectious diseases of the precursor symptoms of acute rhinitis and the lack of local manifestations of the infectious disease itself, clinical attention should be paid to differentiate. (2) chronic simple rhinitis: is a common occurrence, by the development of acute rhinitis. With the combination of bacterial secondary infection, treatment is not complete and recurrent attacks. Clinically, it is necessary to differentiate from chronic hypertrophic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis. (3) chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: from chronic simple rhinitis, is a long-term chronic inflammation, bruising and make the nasal mucosa, nasal turbinate hyperplasia. At this time, mucosal thickening, decreased tissue elasticity, poor nasal ventilation, thus jeopardizing the physiological function of the nose. (4) Dry rhinitis: the occurrence of dry rhinitis has a close relationship with climate and occupational factors. The nasal mucosa is subjected to long-term stimulation and mucus gland atrophy, reduced secretion caused by the mucosa and thus dry or even superficial erosion. (5) atrophic rhinitis: mainly nasal mucosa, periosteum and turbinate atrophy; due to the atrophy of nasal tissue, although the nasal cavity is relatively wide, but the nasal mucosa has lost its normal physiological function, and because of the formation of dry idiots in the nose, the patient still feels poor ventilation. It is recommended that you go to a more standardized ENT department for a detailed examination, clear diagnosis and then treatment is appropriate. At present, there are many ways to treat rhinitis, conservative treatment can be taken as follows: 1: cold towel cold compress nasal cavity; 2: with saline rinse nasal cavity; 3: more fresh vegetables and fruits, more food rich in crude fiber and water, to avoid smoking and spilling. 4: in the correction of casually digging the nostrils of the nose, such as bad habits, etc. 5: nasal washer (plus saline) wash the nose three times a day, this method can increase the immune function of the nasal mucosa, is the best way to prevent the nasal mucosa, the nasal mucosa is not the same, but it is a good idea. The immune function of the nasal mucosa, is a more appropriate method; surgical treatment mainly laser, microwave, low temperature plasma, sinus endoscopy and other advanced medical equipment, for all types of rhinitis sinusitis have a better therapeutic effect.