Accidentally a moment of loudness can lead to eardrum injury?
The ear receives external sound stimulation, in the ear to produce the sense of hearing sound, this is the normal auditory utility. If there is no sound source in the outside world, but the subjective feeling of all kinds of sound, this is tinnitus. Tinnitus production mechanism is more chaotic, can be produced in a variety of circumstances, summarized and synthesized in the following kinds: the first is physiological tinnitus. Inside the body, vascular pulsation, blood flow, muscle contraction, joint activity, breathing movement, etc., the city produces a weak sound, which is closer to the ear, will feel the sound. Usually because of the outside world has a strong sound, the weak sound masked, and did not feel out. But if you walk into the soundproof room or in the quiet late at night, sometimes you will feel a faint ringing in the ear, which is physiological tinnitus. The second type is conductive tinnitus. The cause of this kind of tinnitus is that the conduction of the auditory system locally produces obstacles, such as swelling of the external auditory canal, blockage, tympanic membrane perforation, invagination, inflammation of the middle ear, adhesion, sclerosis and so on. The impaired conduction reduces the ability to hear external sounds and diminishes its ability to mask the sounds produced in the body so that they can be sensed and become tinnitus. Furthermore, the sound transmitted into the ear through the bone conduction, due to the conduction disorder, outward escape channel is blocked, and improve the sense of the sound in the ear, to become a low-frequency based, like the wind like whistling sound. We can try ourselves, with a hand over the ear, feel the roaring sound in the ear, which is exemplary conductive tinnitus. The third is neurological tinnitus. The reason is that the auditory system of the sensorineural nerve localization produces obstacles. When the inner ear auditory sensory organ disease, such as drug poisoning, noise trauma, Meniere's disease; auditory nerve and auditory center suffered trauma or inflammation, poisoning, ischemia, tumors, etc.; as well as intracranial lesions affecting the auditory nerve or auditory center, tinnitus. This tinnitus is mostly high-frequency cicadas or hard to hear against the ear shrill. Some systemic diseases can also cause tinnitus, such as hypertension, hypotension, vegetative dysfunction and so on, affecting the blood supply, the impact of certain diseases of toxins, mental stress, anxiety and other internal excretion disorders. In terms of life, rest is not good, insomnia will also have tinnitus appear after. There are also some deafness, with the current medical technology can not figure out its cause or in the clinical aspects of the examination is not clear, known as the cause of unknown tinnitus. The fourth type is objective tinnitus. Tinnitus is a subjective sense, but there is a kind of throbbing tinnitus can be heard by others, which is called objective tinnitus. This type of tinnitus differs from subjective tinnitus in that it does have a sound source, but the sound source is not in the outside world, but within the body adjacent to my ear. One sound source is the middle ear within the small muscles or pharyngeal meatus contracture sound; another sound source is the sound of blood vessel pulsation. Under normal circumstances, the sound of blood vessel pulsation is not felt, but when the blood pressure rises the pulsation sound increases, or to the outside to escape obstruction, or produce aneurysm or message pulse fistula and other diseases, the sound of blood vessel pulsation is composed of tinnitus. Treatment of tinnitus, depending on the cause of tinnitus, if it is like what I said, is allergic to a variety of dietary allergies, it is best than to their own sensitive food "far from it". If the tympanic membrane is broken, the only way is to "repair" it, and if the bones in the ear are displaced, then minor surgery will be performed to correct the position. For tinnitus caused by poor blood flow, medications that promote blood circulation and oxygenation of the blood can reduce the symptoms. Doctors sometimes use vitamin supplements such as vitamin B12 or minerals such as folates, zinc and magnesium. Doctors make sure to treat the situation accordingly, and those who are haunted by the problem of tinnitus are advised to extend their medical treatment and not to take their own medicines indiscriminately. Advise those who suffer from tinnitus, try to loosen up the mood, try not to pay more attention to, some people worry all day it will cause deafness, some even think it will kill, is really unnecessary, should be a good rest, so that they have enough sleep, to stop the stimulation of the coffee, alcohol and tobacco. Tinnitus in a quiet place seems clear, sleeping room to hear some sounds such as car or music, but can reduce the nuisance of tinnitus. Some people who suffer from tinnitus become depressed and need the assistance of a psychiatrist. Anxiety and impatience can exacerbate depression, and acupuncture, acupressure and other stress-reducing therapies can help. Tinnitus Tinnitus seems to be a less serious matter, however, when you encounter this symptom, you first need to rule out the following possibilities: First, inflammation in the ear; Second, ear wax accumulation, can't hear clearly, such as cotton plugged ears, hear the sound of the body. Both of these conditions can be treated. From the Chinese medicine point of view, tinnitus has a lot to do with the physical condition, the most common situations are as follows: kidney deficiency tinnitus is mostly seen in the elderly, characterized by tinnitus sound fine and long-term, other symptoms include: dizziness, false soup, nocturia, lumbago and knee pain, memory loss, most patients with liver qi deficiency. Acute tinnitus can be caused by a sharp rise in anger, such as eating too much hot and dry food in a short period of time, exposure to the sun, and barbecuing under the hot sun. Characterized by a sudden onset of tinnitus, the ears seem to be blocked. Kidney deficiency and liver heat belongs to the mixed type, where one has kidney deficiency but is also characterized by anger. The characteristics are the same as those of the anger type of tinnitus. It is said that tinnitus is more severe at night, why? Firstly, it is quieter at night and the tinnitus sound is clearer, secondly, the yin fire goes up at night; thirdly, the sleeping time is about 11:00 p.m., and the liver meridian is in operation, so the patient really feels that the tinnitus sound is stronger. For tinnitus patients, the following basic formula can be applied: chrysanthemum, dahurica dahurica, cinnabar flower, cang eu zi each 3 money (9 grams), tribulus terrestris 1 money (3 grams). Tinnitus with excessive anger can be added on top of the basic formula, with the addition of Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, Rhizoma Ophiopogonis, Radix Paeoniae Alba, and Radix et Rhizoma Dampaeae. If there is a sore throat in addition to the anger, you can add forsythia, root of bluebells, dendrobium, cypress and other medicines. If you can't sleep well, you can add maitake, cordyceps, bamboos, lotus core and so on. Food therapy, you can use more carrots, water chestnuts (horseshoes) bamboo cane boiled water; or with snow pear with snow fungus, fire one to two hours, nothing to add, just add some jujube flavoring; or will be the above materials together with boiled water. Kidney qi deficiency type tinnitus can be in addition to the basic formula, with qi chrysanthemum six flavors of dihuang pill, where blurred vision, nocturia, knee weakness, lumbago and other conditions, can be applied. In terms of dietary therapy, you can use raw fish, fish, fish, with wolfberry, lotus seed, lily, Chinese yam and other commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. You can also use yellow ear (snow fungus is too cold for those with kidney deficiency), combined peach, lily, lotus seed, etc. to strengthen the kidney and calm the body. Causes of tinnitus Tinnitus is caused by cell membrane permeability disorders or transformation of hair cells inside and outside the cochlea, or synaptic metabolic disorders of hair cells, or short circuits between auditory nerve fibers. 60% of tinnitus patients clinicians can find the cause of the disease, summarized as follows: 1, ototoxic drugs cause: cause tinnitus drugs are divided into two categories, a class of drugs only cause tinnitus and does not cause hearing loss, the reason is that this type of drug in the central nervous system affects the metabolic process of biogenic amines related to neurotransmitters, resulting in auditory CNS neurons "convulsions "side effects. Such as: some anticancer drugs, antispasmodic drugs, antibacterial drugs, macrolide antimicrobials, narcotic analgesics and so on. Another class of drugs both cause tinnitus and cause hearing loss, and even cause deafness, this type of drug-induced tinnitus symptoms are hair cells or auditory neurons damaged "low-level" form of embodiment. Such as: anticancer drugs, antimicrobial and antiparasitic drugs, aminoglycoside antimicrobials, etc. 2, noise causes: people have such a cooperative experience, if you suddenly hear the sound of firecrackers, there will be a very long reverberation in the ear, half a day to subside, which is the outside world noise temporary damage to the human auditory nerve. Those constant labor in the noise of a very strong environment, such as tractor and car drivers, traffic police, armed police, military, discotheque laborers, mahjong entertainers, constant meetings, and a variety of equipment manipulation personnel and so on are the victims of noise, constant noise stimulation caused by the inner ear nerve damage in the majority of the time. Noise-induced tinnitus is mainly manifested as a disturbance of the spontaneous activity of the auditory nerve fibers. Generally speaking, noise that exceeds the stabilized noise guideline (85-90 dB) intensity may cause tinnitus and deafness. However, for the same intensity of noise, there are individual differences in sensitivity, and only the sensitive are harmed or harmed by the level of the most serious. Causes of outer ear and middle ear diseases: Tinnitus can be caused by foreign bodies (cerumen) in the outer ear touching the tympanic membrane; tinnitus can also be caused by vascular malformations and lesions in the middle ear. Tinnitus can be cured in most cases through examination and treatment by an otologist. Fourth, age: people over 60 years old tinnitus incidence rate of up to 30%. The main reason is that with age, the degenerative changes in the auditory nervous system. Fifth, vascular malformation or blood rheology causes: due to such vascular or blood causes, so that the flow to the skull, cochlea blood supply blood flow irregularity, or by the neck, the cranial cavity vascular anomalies produced by vascular murmur to the ear resulting in tinnitus. Sixth, the cause of Meniere's disease; seventh, auditory neuroma; (mainly by surgical treatment) eight, sclerosis: is the bone labyrinth dense lamellar bone focally by the spongy new bone rich in cells and blood vessels to replace the disease produced. (mainly by surgical treatment) nine, head trauma causes; ten, muscle clonus causes; eleven, mental stress causes; twelve, the systemic systemic diseases causes: such as anemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, autoimmune diseases, vasospastic diseases, etc. may be accompanied by tinnitus. Thirteen, another tinnitus is not yet clear cause, accounting for about 40% of the number of tinnitus.