Before the shift setup, you must set up all the time periods that may be used, select the Maintenance/Setup menu, click the Maintenance/Setup under the Maintenance/Setup Time Period Maintenance option on the main menu, you can set up the time periods used for employee scheduling.
Time period set the meaning of each
Recorded late time (minutes): the above figure is set to 5 minutes, that is, more than 5 minutes after the start of work time is recorded late, for example, the above figure, the start of work time of 7:50, A 7:53 sign in, B 8:00 sign in, this time, A is not late, because his sign in time from the start of work time is not more than 5 minutes, B 10 minutes late because of the time of his sign in time from the start of work time is not more than 5 minutes. his check-in time is more than 5 minutes from the start of the workday.
Remembering the early time (minutes): the same as remembering the late time, look at the time difference between the check-in time and the closing time.
Start sign-in/end sign-out: must be entered. Valid range for signing in for this time period; sign-in records outside this range are invalid.
Start check-in/end check-out: must be entered. The valid range of check-outs for the time period, check-out records outside this range are invalid. There can be no overlapping time between the start sign-out and the end sign-out.
How many workdays: how many workdays are recorded for each shift, if the value is set here, the program will count the workdays in accordance with the set value when counting, otherwise, it will be counted according to the settings in the attendance rules.
How much time (minutes): how long the time period will be recorded as in the statistical report, which can be set by the user. For example, if the actual duration of a time period is 9 hours, it can be recorded as 8 hours, and the time period will also be recorded as 8 hours in the attendance statistics.
Must sign in, must sign out: According to the different requirements of different positions, you can choose whether the shift time period must sign in, must sign out.
Change the display color of this time period category: You can change the color of each shift time period to distinguish each different shift. Simply left-click on the color area to change the desired color.
Shift Management
Shift management is available after time period maintenance has been set up. Select the Maintenance/Setup menu and click on the Shift Management option to access the Shift Management menu.
The interface is divided into a shift name section and a shift time section. The shift name box mainly includes the name of the shift, the start date of the shift, the number of cycles of the shift, and the cycle unit of the shift.
Name of the shift: the name of the shift cannot be repeated and all fields in the form cannot be empty.
Starting date: that is, from what time the shift starts to use, the format is yyyy-mm-dd, for example, October 15, 2002 for 2000-10-15, March 6, 2003 for 2000-03-06.
Periodic number: the cycle of the shift cycle = number of cycles * unit of the cycle
Unit of the cycle: there are three choices: days, weeks, and months, Months three options.
Use the Shift Management toolbar to add, delete, and modify shifts. You can add, modify, and delete shift time periods in the edit state of the shift table (after clicking the Modify button).
Add: Click the "+" Add Shift button to add a new shift, and a blank shift time slot will be added on the right. Then click Add Time Period.
Select the set shift time period, directly add the shift time period, and then select the date of use of the time period, you can also choose whether the time period is recorded as overtime, click the "Confirm" button to save the settings, click the "Abort" button to cancel the operation. Click the "Confirm" button to save the settings and click the "Discard" button to cancel the operation.
If necessary, you can set up an empty shift with no working hours.
Shift Delete: Select an existing shift and click the Delete button to delete the selected shift.
Modify: Select an existing shift, click the modify button to modify the selected shift.
Time Period Deletion: Click "Clear Time Period" button, the selected time period will be deleted.
Save: When a shift is modified or added, click this button " √ " Save to save the information.
Employee Scheduling
If there is no employee scheduling, you will end up not being able to do the attendance statistics, an employee does not have a shift then the system can not determine whether his attendance record is on or off duty, and can not be counted on his attendance. After setting up the time period and shift management, you can schedule the employees. Select the Maintenance/Setup menu and click on the Employee Scheduling option to open the Employee Scheduling Settings window, where you can maintain employee shift information.
The left side of the page shows scheduling by department. When the mouse is over a department name, the employee module on the right will show all the employees in that department and their scheduled shifts.
Departmental scheduling: This is the scheduling of shifts by department according to the characteristics of different departments. Click the "Departmental Scheduling" button in the upper left corner.
Default Shift: From the drop-down menu, you can select a shift to be used as the default shift for new employees in the department, that is, when a department registers a new employee, the system automatically assigns this shift to the new employee.
Schedulable shifts: The schedulable shifts list box shows all the shifts that have been set up, and only the selected shifts will appear in the shifts list when scheduling employees in that department.
System Settings
Sets up automatic system monitoring, feature configuration, and some main window display settings.
Here you can change the display and style of the interface according to your preference and needs. Just put a check mark in front of the item.
Automatic Monitoring
Convenient for managers to check the status of attendance or door opening at the first time. The system is connected to the device, when the user verifies the pass on the device, the record of verifying the pass will be transmitted to the software in real time and displayed in the record display area of the main interface of the software.
Enable automatic monitoring at the beginning of the program: all devices connected to start the program are automatically polled for monitoring, if not selected, the devices will not be polled for monitoring after starting the program.
Default Device Polling Period: During the process of constant polling and monitoring of devices, some devices may be temporarily disconnected due to various reasons, so you can set the number of seconds for the device polling period here (usually set to 120).
Retaining Device Records: The number of device records refers to the number of user records downloaded by each device. You can enter an approximate number of records to store here, and then automatically erase the user records in the device when the number exceeds the set value. For example, if the number of records is set to 1200, when the number of records downloaded reaches 1201, the number of user records in the device will be cleared automatically, and the number will be changed to 0.
Connection Failure Retry: the number of times the connection fails to be retried (usually set to 3), in order to facilitate the automatic reconnection when the device is back to normal connectivity.
Specify time period to monitor: Here we can define a time period to start monitoring. If the monitor polls uninterruptedly, then it will bring a great load to the whole monitoring network, you can define a time period to enable monitoring, which will reduce the load of the monitoring network. Pay attention to the writing format, such as: 06:00-22:00.
Download All Records Period: Set the time to download records automatically. 24-hour system.
Synchronize Device Time: You can define a time to finish synchronizing the time of all devices that have been added. When the moment is reached, the time of all devices connected to the system is automatically synchronized. note the writing format, e.g. 10:00.
Function Configuration
Attendance: Attendance function is mandatory.
USB flash disk: optional item, USB flash disk management under the data menu becomes available.
Short message: short message management under the data menu becomes available.
Access Control: Add some functions of access control software in the software, such as time period setting and group setting, etc., when using the time and attendance-based machine but with access control function can be selected for this function. After checking the main page of the software will appear in the access control management menu, click to display the detailed menu of access control management.
Write Card via Fingerprint Machine: Check this option to make the Write Card via Fingerprint Machine and Clear Card via Fingerprint Machine buttons under Employee Maintenance available when the machine is connected.
Enrollment Number Allow 9-digit: When the machine connected to the software is a 9-digit machine, check this option to support 9-digit enrollment number.
Startup Options:
Start this program when you start windows: Check this option to automatically start this program the next time you start windows.
Automatically connect the device when the program starts: Check the box in front of the option, the program will automatically connect the added device when you start the program next time.
Download records:
Download all records/download new records: choose any one, when downloading records then download records according to the settings here.
Display progress bar when downloading records: When downloading data from the device a download progress bar will appear.
Save to file while downloading: When this option is selected, the recorded data will be saved to the specified file while downloading the records.