What are the types of medical CT machines?

Company equipment comparison:

1, brand:

Philips, Toshiba, Siemens, GE are world-renowned medical equipment production company, they produce 64-row helical CT can meet the hospital's medical and scientific research work, no matter which one to choose there will be no significant deviation. But relatively speaking, Philips, Toshiba's 64-row CT is better.

2, grade:

According to the material we have, combined with the hardware and software configuration of each model of CT, technical parameters, the four models of the grade order should be Toshiba, GE (BrightSpeed Elite), Philips, Siemens.

3, hardware and origin:

GE's various accessories are mostly used in the form of global bidding, many accessories are not GE production, LightSpeed VCT in Japan Yokogawa production). The other three companies are mostly produced by themselves.

If the order should be Siemens, Philips, Toshiba, GE.

4, computer and software:

Although GE's software is more abundant, but as the main due to the cardiac imaging of the 64-row CT, Toshiba, Philips is more advantageous, and Siemens is slightly worse.

5, the main parameters of the comparison:

Detectors: all rare earth ceramic detectors;

Detector rows: Siemens 40 rows, the other 64 rows.

Minimum scanning layer thickness: 0.5mm for Toshiba, 0.625mm for all others.

Best time resolution: 40ms for Toshiba; 43ms for GE; 53ms for Philips; 83ms for Siemens; Toshiba is the best.

High contrast spatial resolution: Siemens 30LP; Toshiba 25LP; Philips 24LP; GE 15.4LP; Siemens is superior.

Cardiac imaging: Toshiba, Philips each main parameters and functions are superior.

Balloon price: Toshiba 90 ~ 1 million RMB, the other are more than 1.4 million RMB. Because the bulb is a consumable, the bulb price directly determines the operating costs, so this is more important.

Summarizing the above important parameters, Toshiba, Philips has a certain advantage over GE, Siemens.

6, reference price (basic configuration):

Roughly around 1.2 million dollars.