(1) Environmental Protection
Speeding up the Prevention and Control of "White Pollution" Investigation on the Recycling of Waste Batteries and Suggestions (in a certain area)
Relationships between Drinking Water Pollution and Man-Made Factors and Countermeasures to Control It The Development and Promotion of Environmentally Friendly Chopsticks
What is the most important thing to consider in a research study is the recycling of waste batteries. p>The Negative Impact of Airborne SO2 on Soil and Control Measures The Protection of Green Island
Recycling and Utilization of Waste Batteries (in a certain area) Air Pollution Status and Countermeasures
Talking about the Pollution of Water Resources and its Control The Control and Reuse of Automobile Exhaust
How to Reduce the Costs of Purification of Automobile Exhaust Ideas and Investigations on Resourcefulness of Municipal Waste
Plastic and its recycling Extracting the city's tumor--Research on urban garbage disposal
Air pollution and human health Automobile safety and environmental protection
Acid rain and human health Combination of environmental protection and industry
Photopollution and light energy saving Automobile and the environment
Non-polluting automobiles A Brief History of Coal Desulfurization and Its Development
Research on Desalination Development of Degradable Plastics
Snacks in Changsha
Report on Chewing Gum Eutrophication of Water Bodies
Prevention and Control of Desertification of Land Biological Management of Eutrophic Water Quality Water Supply, Water Purification and Water Reuse in Cities Creation of Green Electricity
Research on the Properties and Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Ash Green Treatment of Urban Domestic Waste Comprehensive Utilization Green Treatment of Urban Waste
Use of Non-Polluting Energy in Households Green Consumption
Rethinking the Use of Pesticides Freon Problem
Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fission and Environmental Pollution El Ni?o and La Ni?a
Dioxin Pollution Protection of the Cocoa Slippery Antelope in Cocoa Slippery Island
Major Nuclear Accidents in Japan and South Korea Ozone Layer Destruction
Taihu Lake Zero-Point Action Ecological Protection of the Upper Yangtze River Yellow River Disconnection Western Development and Environmental Protection
Green Civilization Huaihe River Pollution Control Zero-Point Action
Suzhou River Comprehensive Rectification Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution
Environment and Health Exploring Why it is Difficult to Promote Phosphorus-Free Laundry Detergent
Can Kitchen Household Garbage be Recycled? Industrial Wastewater Pollution
Impact of Pesticide Pollution Investigation of Stone Dust Pollution in Stone
Relation between Factory Intensity and Living Environment Impact of Air Pollution on Crops
Pollution of Living Rooms Pollution of Food Products
Study on Factors and Countermeasures Influencing Air Pollution Index Study on the Response of Common Plants to Environmental Changes and Countermeasures
Research on the Impact of Detergents, Factory Waste, etc. on the Ecological Environment Phosphorus Pollution of Water Quality
Effects of the Community Environment on Homes and People Analysis of the Reasons for the Resurgence of Dust Storms in the North
Survey of the Coastal Ecological Environment A Study of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Handkerchiefs and Napkins
(II) Chemical Problems in Life
Agricultural Biofertilizers The Development and Utilization of Novel Building Materials
Source of Life- -Nutrition Home Packaging Hydrogen (Natural Gas) Fueled Stove Proper Calorie Extraction and Diet
Study on Cosmetic Ingredients Instant Noodles Edible Inside Portioning
Oil and Smoke Revolution Decorative Materials Application and Improvement
Study on Metal Rust Prevention Study on Low-Free Radicals, Non-Toxic Cigarettes
Non-food Coloring in Related Beverages Chemistry and Rural Economy
Whether Pure Water is "Pure" The Development of Environmentally Friendly Anti-Vibration Materials
The Vitamin Kingdom Exploration A Brief Introduction to Healthy Eating in Today's Society
The Hazards of Correction Fluid on the Human Body The Development and Prospects of Detergents
Development and Utilization of New Types of Wall Materials Feasibility Study of Replacing Wood Products with Bamboo Products
Nutrition and Health of Secondary School Students A Study of Life Jackets Used in Special Environments
A Brief Introduction to Salt and Human Health An Analysis of the Peroxide Value of Cooking Oils
Research on Morning Diets of Senior High School Sophomores A Study on the Daily Preservation of Iodized Salt
Dynamic Balance Seen Everywhere The Impacts of Fertilizers on Soil
< p>Survey on Rural Domestic Water Use Chemistry in LifeChemistry in the Kitchen Side Effects of Cosmetics
Technology and Life - About Nanotechnology The Dairy Industry and Our Everyday Life
Study on Healthy Drinking Water Methods
(III) Resource Utilization
Utilization and Conservation of Marine Resources Prospects and Utilization of Solar Energy
Creating Green Electricity Future Energy Technology
Development and Utilization of Petroleum How Far Away is Green Energy
Research on Nutritional Supply of Food to the Brain Research on the Impact of Common Meat Meal on Intellectual Development of the Brain
Investigation of the Situation of Impure Food near Secondary Schools A Brief Discussion on Renewable Energy Resources
Positive Impact of Utilizing Solar Energy on the Future Investigation and Research on Tidal Resources
(4) Chemistry Experiments (Improvement) Exploration and Research
Study of Nitrite Accumulation in Different Soils Experiments on Waterproofing of the Eyes
Experiments and Exploration on the Cooling Properties of Ammonium Salts Making Activated Carbon from Waste
Recycling and Utilizing Useful Substances in Old Batteries Study on the Gum Color of Recycled Rubber Wastewater
Preparation and Maximization of Ethyl Acetate Experimental Investigation of Dry Battery and Environmental Pollution Control
Study on the Critical Concentration of Alcohol Combustible and Non-Combustible Research on the Research of Non-Polluting Chlorine Gas Device
The Use of Vegetable Colors to Make Replacement Acid-Base Indicators and the Test of Their Color Changing Range A Primer on Organic Disinfectants
Brief Analysis on the Feasibility of Plant Extracts Feasibility of perfume An argument for the nature of proteins
Understanding cancer
Thinking skills and creativity
Dust-proof blackboard eraser
Close-out report on endangered animals.
Social Changes from Transportation Changes
Reading Survey Final Report for Middle School Students
Research Report on the Status of Ichneumon in Canada...
Research Report on Urban Sewage Treatment
Research Report on the Hazards of Water Zucchini and its Management...
Memorial Tangshan Earthquake-Precious Life
Research on New Type of Window
New Type of Desk
Small Production Closing
Turning Waste into Treasure
Solution of Stagnant Problems
Research on Treating Pollution of Campus Streams
Making Breakfast by Yourself
Research on Sheds and the Harmful Effects of Plastic Molds
Investigation on Eco-Bags
Freshwater Fishing Research and Practice
Research on Sheds and the Harmful Effects of Plastic Molds
Understanding AIDS
Design of Eco-Bags
Thinking about the "Dairy Products" Views on the problem
Zhejiang cuisine
Making a simple small bookshelf
Research on myopia in secondary school students
Universal charger
Small production
The impact of entering the focus class on various aspects of high school students ...
1Urban planning 41Physical application of sports stand
2 Natural Disasters42 Survey on Students' Physical Fitness and Nutritional Status3 Soil and Water Erosion43 Instant Noodles and Human Health
4 Environmental Pollution44 Homemade Alarms, etc.
5 Greening and Management of Campus45 Voice-activated Sensory Time Delay Switches and Rocker Controllers
6 My Campus I'm in Charge46 Mechanics in Life
7 West-to-East Gas ...
7 West-to-East Gas Transmission, West-to-East Electricity ...
7 West-toEast Gas ... Research on West-to-East Gas Transmission, West-to-East Electricity Transmission, South-to-North Water Diversion, etc.47 Information Technology
8 Observation and Analysis of Lunar Phase Changes48 Speaking English and Talking about Home Town
9 Solar Energy, etc., Tianfa and Utilization49 Changyang Folk Customs and Folklore
10 Home Décor and Indoor Pollution50 Literary Works Tasting and Appreciation
11 Additives in Foods51 Students' Reading Surveys and Research p>
12Research and Development of Detergent Ingredients52Review of TV Dramas
13Civilian Fuel---Liquefied Natural Gas53Appreciation of Mao Zedong's Poetry
14The Present Situation of Rural Garbage Disposal and the Direction of Its Development54Collection of Folk Hiatus
15Hazards of Waste Batteries and Their Utilization, Recycling and Disposal55An Analysis of Advertising Language Art
16 Kitchen Chemistry, Chemistry Fun Experiments 56 Xue Baochai Character Study
17 The Nature of Pesticides 57 A Brief History of the Development of the Cheongsam
18 The Study of Phosphorus-containing Laundry Detergents 58 Consumer Rights
19 Commonly Used Disinfectants 59 Rural Tax Reform
20 Air Pollution Situation Survey and Countermeasures 60 Rural Surplus Labor Force Related Research
21 Study on Chemical Fertilizers61 Students' Bar Work Experience
22 Knowledge of Weapons62 Students' Consumption and Living Habits
23 Study on the Origins of the Taiwan Issue, Current Situation, etc.63 Structure of Rural Industries
24 Ins and Outs of the Palestine Issue64 Survey on Students' Recognition of Traditional Virtues
25 Knowledge of Parental Sorrows65 The Influence of Family Education Style on Students' Growth
26 Cultural Celebrities in Hometown66 The Influence of the Internet on Students' Growth
27 Water Resources Utilization and Pollution67 The Pros and Cons of Internet Access for Secondary School Students
28 White Pollution68 Survey Study on Cultural Facilities in Rural Areas
29 Exploration of Trace Elements on the Physical Health of Human Beings69 Changes in Peasants' Consumption Outlook
30 Current Situation and Countermeasures of Rural Healthcare70 Modern Students' View of Star Chasing
31 Impact of Noise on Residents and Its Countermeasures71 Psychological Exploration of Learning Disorders of Secondary School Students
32 Research Related to the Construction of the 'Three Lines' and Other Relevant Studies72 Survey on Interpersonal Relationships of Students in Our School
33 Students' Survey and Research on Learning Behavioral Habits73An Analysis of the Psychological Problem of Teenage Jealousy
34 Mathematics in Life74Personality Psychology and Interpersonal Relationships
35Applications of Number Lines in Life75Survey and Research on Left-behind Children
36Study on the Issue of Payment by Instalment76Survey and Research on Minors' Disciplinary Violations
37Returns from Savings, Insurance Analysis and Comparison 77 Survey on Business Benefits of Supermarkets and Traditional Stores
38 Physical Condition of Students 78 Survey and Research on Violence in Family Education
39 The Influence of Music on Human Mood Fluctuations 79 Holiday Economy Phenomenon and Research
40 History of Soccer, etc. 80 Development and Utilization of Tourism Resources in Changyang
1. How did Kerstin? How did Schocobin discover ozone, what role does it play in the atmosphere, and how does Freon affect it? 2. What chemicals are associated with the ozone hole and what is the mechanism of destruction? Investigate the types of refrigerants currently available. 3. 3. the contribution of chemistry to the deciphering of the "human genome". 4. 4. review the development of binders. 5. 5. How did John Tyndall apply his ideas about light to the human genome? How did John Tyndall apply his work on the scattering of light in solution to explain why the sky is blue? 6. understand the development of nanotechnology and the fields of nanotechnology and applications in China. 7. design an energy-saving and environmentally friendly Olympic torch with Chinese characteristics for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 8. what are the main sources of water pollution? 9. How to purify tap water for domestic use? 10. what is tertiary wastewater and what is the importance of its treatment? 11. what are the regulations on water pollution in your area? 12. understand the development and utilization of marine resources in China. 13. state the main chemical properties of seawater. 13. state the main chemical constituents of seawater and devise a method of extracting a particular monomer or compound. 14. draw a sketch to show how groundwater is polluted. How pure is the groundwater in your area? What measures are in place to keep the water clean? 15. What kind of water do you think is good to drink (e.g., purified water, tap water, mineral water, pure water and natural water, etc.)? 16. How can we alleviate the fresh water crisis in China, which is one of the countries with serious water shortage? 17. What do you think about the prospect of desalination? What has been done in this area in our country? 18. Measure the PH of local rainwater to find out the pollution status of sulfur dioxide and provide constructive suggestions to the local authorities. 19. study the effect of different catalysts on the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. 20. from a laboratory reaction to an industrial process, what are the issues that should be included in weighing? 21. what is the major air pollution in your area? How is it controlled? What are the definite or indefinite costs associated with air pollution? What are the relevant laws and regulations. 22. how do ion exchangers reduce pollution from automobile emissions? 23. review the impact of "clean air standards" since 1970. 24. survey the households in your area. 24. investigate the daily production of household waste in your area and the main pollutants and methods of disposal. 25. how is sodium hydroxide used? 25. How is sodium hydroxide manufactured? What are its main uses? 26. Discuss the basic principle of caustic soda production by electrolysis with ion exchange membrane method and try to design a more advanced process for making caustic soda. 27. how is sodium hydroxide used in the production of pulp? 28. Describe the significance of the buffering effect of bicarbonate ions in blood in maintaining a constant blood pH. 29. what technique is commonly used to corrode pipelines used in the industrial transportation of gases, oils, and water? 30. What materials are commonly used in anti-corrosion coatings, e.g., for automobile bodies? 31. what is "brittle hydrogen"? 32. describe the oxidation-reduction reaction in fruit decay. 33. 33. What is the significance of studying the change in energy in oxidation-reduction reactions? 34. Looking back at the history of rocketry, why is the development of fuel from solid to liquid significant? 35. Was there a chemical factor in the sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk? 36. Why do some dry cell batteries last longer than others? Test several ordinary batteries to see which last longer under different conditions. 37. How do you use fuel cells, which are widely used? 37. How are fuel cells used What are the prospects for the widespread use of fuel cells? 38. what are the commercial uses of hot brine? 39. How is the element aluminum recycled? Which property of aluminum is being recycled today? 40. How does mercury enter the food chain? 41. what is "nitrogen fixation" and describe a natural and an industrial method of nitrogen fixation. 42. what is "nitrogen fixation" and how does it work? 42. What is the potential commercial value of artificial methods of "nitrogen fixation"? What are the bottlenecks in its development? 43. Find out the applications of N2 in production and life as well as in high technology. How can the utilization of the natural nitrogen pool be improved. 44. How did Curie discover and obtain large quantities of radium? What does this tell you about your academic life? 45. How was the periodic law of the elements discovered? Mendeleev's contribution to the periodic law of elements. Try to design a future periodic table of elements. 46. The Four Great Inventions and Ancient Chemistry in China. 47. 47. Talk about the history of the development of chemistry in ancient China and its influence on the development of chemistry in the world. 48. Try to discuss the ecological disasters brought by war as seen by the Gulf War and NATO bombing of the FRY. 49. state the specific meanings of the markings of cement and gasoline. do you know our new markings for cement? 50. name several common refractory materials and their composition. 51. What is shape memory alloy? Its value in modern scientific research, life and other fields. 52. Tell me about the preparation of yogurt and its nutritional value. 53. Can you remove limescale? What is the most economical way to do it? 54. Learn about the principles of limescale formation, investigate the composition of water in your region and suggest ways of removing it quickly. 55. How can you identify toxic and non-toxic plastics? 56. Investigate the varieties of commonly used plastics, their main chemical compositions, properties and prices. 57. 57. What is the effect of toothpaste fluoridation on teeth and why do people in some areas have brown teeth? 58. fluoride toothpaste to prevent dental caries disease, how the mechanism of action? 59. what is the role of phosphorus in laundry detergent? What are the substitutes for phosphorus-free washing powder? Why is it difficult to popularize phosphorus-free washing powder and what is the bottleneck? 60. Do you think there will be a Nobel Prize-winning scientist in our country? 61. What do you think about the impact of the theory of relativity on scientific research and academic life?
62. What is the future of new energy?
62. What is the future of new energy? 63. What are blue energy, green energy and geothermal energy? 64. Propose an energy-saving program for life to save household expenses. 65. What are the advantages and disadvantages of burning garbage? 66. What are the chemical considerations for the laying of the Channel Tunnel? 67. How to prevent corrosion of undersea fiber optic cables? 68. What is the purpose of zinc plates on the hull of a ship? 69. What is the purpose of a zinc plate on a ship's casing? 70. How can marine fishing vessels utilize the energy contained in seawater? 71. Tell us about the prospects of fuel cells. 72. How does glass pollute the environment? 73. What are the reserves of coal in the world? What are its main uses? Do you think "man-made coal" will ever appear? 74. What are the chemical materials used to make solar cells? Are solar cells a truly environmentally friendly source of energy? 75. Do the advantages of using gaseous fuels outweigh the disadvantages? 76. For different regions, which is more economical, has less impact on the environment and is more in line with Chinese cooking habits: cooking with electricity or cooking with fuel? 77. How do you understand that copper is the backbone of electrification? 78. How does the structure of an ionic crystal differ from that of a molecular crystal? Compare the physical properties of ionic and molecular compounds and describe the differences in their crystal structures. 79. who unraveled the mystery of combustion? 80. Do you think Kekuler's determination of the ring structure of the benzene molecule was a chance coincidence? 81. how can occupational diseases of divers be prevented or overcome? 82. what is the effect of iodization of table salt and how does it change throughout the process; daily preservation of iodized table salt. 83. State the commercial value and domestic uses of hydrogen peroxide. 84. Compare the bleaching mechanism of sulphur dioxide and hypochlorite. 85. How long will silicon and its compounds remain kingpins in modern technology and industry? 86. Understand the reserves of silicon in China and its development and application. 87. understand common and new types of ceramics and their uses. 88. understand the periodic table of elements. 88. to understand the basis of the arrangement of the Periodic Table of Elements and to design a new Periodic Table of Elements for the future. 89. use household waste to make familiar molecular models, e.g. Cl2 H2 HCl, H2O, CH4, etc. 90. talk about the greenhouse effect. 90. talk about the greenhouse effect. Investigate the main chemicals that produce the greenhouse effect. 91. oxidation-reduction reactions are harmful to humans and can you use this knowledge to understand the chemical process of ulcer disease. 92. what is your understanding of the energy crisis. Are you and your classmates around you aware of it. 93. Hou Debang's contribution to the development of China's national alkali industry. 94. David's contribution to the study of chemistry. 95. the recovery of silver from common silver-containing wastes and investigation of waste disposal in photo studios in the region. 96. understand secondary pollution of the atmosphere - photochemical smog. 97. study of critical concentration of alcohol for flammability and non-flammability 98. describe the relationship between the melting points of some compounds bonded by *** valence bonds and the strength of polarity of these compounds. 99. the significance of interactions between substances in the development of adhesives. 100. Investigate the applications of colloids in production and life. 101. 101. Discuss whether there is a ****similarity in understanding between the "reverse psychology" and the "principle of equilibrium shifts". 102. 102. Investigate the use of chemistry in hospitals. (e.g., PH test strips, crude tests for diabetes, etc.) 103. investigate the properties, prices, and market share of fiber products used in clothing, and how to identify them. 104. investigate the use of common binders. 104. investigate the varieties of binders commonly used, their main chemical composition, properties and prices. 105. to investigate the names, main chemical compositions and uses of chemicals used in construction and decoration materials
Research Study Project Report on "Investigation Report on Water Use by Secondary School Students"
Basis for Selection of the Topic
Water is the source of life, the cradle of life, and an important part of various cells and body fluids in the human body. Water in the human body accounts for about 60% of the body weight, water is a chemical substance with the highest content in the human body, many of the body's physiological activities must have water to participate in order to carry out, the human need for water is second only to oxygen .
The significance of the study
Learning to use, to enhance their own awareness of environmental protection and water conservation conscientiousness.
The main contents and ideas of the study
1.Speak out the incorrectness of people's waste of water and pollution
2.Put forward a few suggestions on how to conserve water resources
3.Summarize the importance of water resources and the urgency to protect and conserve water resources
4.How should young people protect water resources?
Research innovations and key points, difficulties
1, how to understand the importance of water;
2, how to protect our water resources;
3, now people care about the degree of water