Which nursing homes in Shanghai adopt demented elderly?

Pudong Xiangshuwan Nursing Home Longshi Ivy Fengxian Guangming Community Nursing Home Jinhai Yuexin Nursing Home These homes have a special area dedicated to the care of cognitively impaired seniors, with professional medical staff care, which is conducive to the control of the elderly's condition and recovery. The elderly will enjoy more professional services. You can click on the link below

→Click to consult the Shanghai Alzheimer's Nursing Home: 021-38280008

Choosing a nursing home that is suitable for your satisfaction requires a comprehensive consideration of the medical support, amenities, cultural activities and so on.

↓ Click on the 24-hour hotline below to get free advice on nursing home rates, environment and address, nursing team, expense reimbursement, application for long term care insurance, book a free shuttle, visit and try out, etc. Priority is given to choosing, no need to queue up.