Four Advantages of Augmented Reality Analysis of the Advantages of Augmented Reality Technology

20 14 is the year of the rise of ar augmented reality, which is related to the gradual popularization of augmented reality elements in people's lives. That year, Lynx Company used ar technology to perform an AR Angel Show at Victoria Station in London. Metaio's AR browser magic eye provides people with a convenient way to travel; IKEA integrates AR augmented reality programs into sales, which makes the business community present an AR technology wind.

AR Augmented Reality returns strongly (subscription number: Phantom Eye Augmented Reality)! Mysterious augmented reality companies such as Daqri, Meta, Hololens and Magic Leap are committed to AR technology research, and they have exposed excellent products based on AR technology, which has prompted the AR board stock market to present a spring imagination. Many large enterprises have begun to buy AR companies or invest heavily in the research of AR technology.

Four advantages of AR technology

1.AR technology is not expensive. A complete VR device is close to100000 USD, but a simple AR device is just a mobile phone.

The threshold of 2.2. AR technology research and development is low. Blippbuilder, an AR company, released the AR design platform, which provided users with no coding experience with the experience of creating AR technology.

3.AR technology is widely used. Military, sales, entertainment, education, science and technology, media, tourism and medical care are all the development directions of AR augmented reality.

4.AR technology provides merchants with convenient sales methods. Coca-Cola, Starbucks, IKEA and other businesses use AR technology to make a series of interactive advertisements, so as to close the distance with consumers. AR technology will revolutionize the traditional advertising industry.

Up to now, AR technology has a history of more than 60 years. The outstanding development of AR technology in various industries has prompted giants such as Apple and Google to inject huge amounts of money into this field. They seem to see the unprecedented business opportunities of AR technology. There is no doubt that AR technology will be one of the hottest investment technology projects in 20 17.

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