Apple warns iphone 12 to stay away from pacemakers, what will it do to pacemakers?

IPhone cell phone has always been loved by many netizens, the same iPhone in China is also a lot of fruit fans of the favorite. Every issue of IPhone out of the new products have also been sought after by many people, the same iPhone 12 has been released for a long time. Many people who like the iPhone have already started to buy it, but what we didn't expect is that the iPhone is actually associated with pacemakers.

In the latest release of the iPhone 12, some doctors have discovered that the iPhone 12 can cause a pacemaker to suddenly pause if it's near one. This can also cause a lot of harm to some patients. The iPhone 12 contains more magnets than any of the previously released iPhones, so the iPhone 12 can pose a very high risk of magnetic interference with medical equipment. Although there are many cell phones on the market today, and many cell phone brands stand out.

But the iPhone has always occupied the first place in the list of cell phones, which shows that it is also liked by many people. But what we didn't expect is that the release of iPhone 12 has made a lot of netizens with heart problems stop. Doctors have found that when the iPhone 12 is placed near a defibrillator, the device simply stops working. If this happens during a resuscitation, it could be very dangerous for the patient.

So it's not advisable to buy the iPhone 12 for those who have heart problems, although the iPhone 12 does give you a lot of face time, but your life is still more important. If you have to use the iPhone 12, then you must stay away from this device when doing surgery related to heart instruments, and this time Apple has issued this warning just to be concerned about everyone.

If you have heart problems, it's recommended that you stop using your iPhone 12 or stay 30cm away from it when you go to the hospital for a checkup. Only in this way will not interfere with some of the instruments, or make the instruments stop working. Apple has already issued a support announcement, and will likewise recall some of the iPhone 12 phones. This time, it also made a lot of fruit fans feel a little moved.