Financial low value consumables used in machinery and equipment still belongs to the inventory?

A low value consumable belongs to the "working capital materials" general ledger account under the "low value consumable" level of detailed accounts. Or you can set up a separate "low value consumables" account.

Two, explain

1, the concept of low-value consumables: low-value consumables is a kind of inventory, refers to the fixed assets can not be accounted for as a variety of paraphernalia items, such as tools, management tools, glassware, labor protection supplies, and in the process of turnover of containers used in the business process. Characterized by a lower unit value, or the use of a shorter period of time relative to fixed assets, in the use of the process to maintain its original physical form of the base. The original physical form remains basically unchanged. Packaging and low-value consumables constitute the working capital materials. Turnover material refers to the enterprise can be used many times, does not meet the definition of fixed assets, gradually transfer its value but still maintain the original form of the material, not recognized as fixed assets.

2, account settings: "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Application Guidance" provides for the "working capital materials" account No. 1411 "working capital materials" accounting for the planned cost or actual cost of working capital materials, including packaging, low-value consumables, and the enterprise (CCB) contractors) steel moldboards, wooden moldboards, scaffolding, etc..

Enterprise packaging, low-value consumables, you can also set up a separate "including goods", "low-value consumables" account.

3, this account is an asset class, the enterprise purchased, homemade, commissioned the processing of low-value consumables and acceptance of the completion of warehousing debit, credit when issued by the collar, the closing debit balance represents the cost of inventory of low-value consumables.