Chinese navy amphibious landing ship

China's independent research and development of the 071 type dock landing ship has been launched, the displacement of the landing ship is about 20,000 tons, is a can perform ocean missions amphibious combat ships. The ship can carry four large air cushion landing craft and can take off and land two medium-sized helicopters at the same time, which can effectively improve the efficiency of amphibious operations. China's independent research and development of the 071 dock landing ship has been launched, the displacement of the landing ship in 20,000 tons, is a can perform ocean-going tasks of amphibious warfare ships. The ship can carry four large air cushion landing craft and can take off and land two medium-sized helicopters at the same time, which can effectively improve the efficiency of amphibious operations. Reasonable design and construction, superior technical performance, compact layout, distinctive features The 071 Landing Ship has the same appearance as the newly-built ships of the Chinese Navy in the past two years, with a smooth and simple appearance and a small angle of inclination, which has a certain stealth performance. The hull adopts high dry port and flat deck type, big flying shear bow and wedge-shaped tail, small aspect ratio, above the waterline there are obvious folding lines, good seakeeping performance. The superstructure was mainly set in the front of the ship, occupying about 2/5 of the space above the deck. Deck 1 and its superstructure are mainly set up with the command room, control cabin, medical rescue cabin and some living quarters: Deck 2 is mainly the living quarters of the crew and landing troops, office and galley. Below the deck is the landing bay, divided into two sections, the front section is the armored vehicle storage compartment, *** two floors, can be stored landing armored vehicles and some other materials, in the entrance and exit is also equipped with a small elevator, used for mobile loading and unloading between the two floors, the outer wall is equipped with a jump door, the vehicle can be landed directly through the door to the shore. The rear section is a huge dock landing bay, total length of about 70 meters, mainly used for berthing large and small air cushion landing craft, machinery landing craft or vehicle personnel landing craft. This bay is connected to the vehicle bay in the forward section by a passageway, which allows the personnel/armored vehicles in the forward bay to go to the dock bay to board the air cushion craft when needed. A ballasted water entry area is provided at the stern of the ship, which is ballasted through the stern to allow the landing craft to board quickly and safely, and to move directly in and out of the ship, and can be completely shut down. The ship's helideck is located aft of the bridge, which is the same width as the hull. The elimination of the below-deck helicopter hangar leaves more space for other arrangements. Overall, the ship's use of space is quite good, but there are still flaws in this piece of jade, mainly in the following areas: the number of aircraft carried is small, and the rapid delivery capability is poor; the distance between the forward vehicle storage section and the aft helicopter deck is too far away, which to a certain extent affects the ship's port door loading and unloading process. However, the above shortcomings are not insurmountable, for example, the shortcomings of rapid delivery capability can be solved by the air cushion landing craft, and more survivable, greater carrying capacity, better concealment. Weapons lean, strong firepower The landing craft bow equipped with a new 76 mm gun, with China's latest 054A frigate gun is the same, the gun's structure and performance is completely imitated by Russia's AK176 gun, combat capability is super. AK176 gun rate of fire is 125 rounds/minute, range up to 17 kilometers, but because of China's AKl76 materials and stealth electronic technology upgrades, making the installation of the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun, the AK176 gun. But due to China's upgraded AKl76 material and stealth electronics technology, the gun installed on the 071 landing ship has even better performance, not only can hit surface targets, but also can carry out precision strikes on air targets. Behind the 76mm gun is an 8-unit HHQ-7 anti-aircraft missile device, which is standard equipment on destroyers and frigates built in the 1990s, especially its low-altitude anti-missile capability is very good. However, our 054A frigate has been equipped with a vertical launch system. 071 is not equipped with a vertical launch system is mainly to take into account the 071 landing ship in combat is the main task of transporting personnel and materials rather than combat, so the weapons are equipped with a little inferior, but the wartime will certainly be other ships escort. The ship is arranged in the middle rear of the Russian-made AK630 close-range artillery system, its fire control system can provide manned and unmanned manipulation of two modes of air defense, including intercepting and combating sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, small sea targets, lightly armored coastal targets and floating mines, etc. The AK630 has been three or four decades ago, but after many improvements and upgrades, its overall combat effectiveness is still quite good, and the price is relatively cheap. And the price is relatively cheap. In recent years, China through the introduction of the use of this type of gun maintenance has accumulated a wealth of experience, these "software support" in the actual combat will play an important role. In terms of soft weaponry, the 071 landing ship, like the 052 destroyer, is equipped with China's new generation of short-range metal jamming foil device, which can jam enemy incoming missiles in the sea 2000 meters away. and deflect them from their trajectory: in addition, there are also two AK630 naval guns on each side of the 071, which are also equipped on the 525 and 526 frigates. In order to cope with small tonnage targets, the ship is also equipped with several 12.7, 7.62 mm machine guns, which can be described as both near and far, thoughtful and meticulous. The above three kinds of weapons have made its firepower and frigate equivalent, stronger than other countries in the world dock landing ship.