What is the difference between FDA and LFGB

Application geography

FDA is the food certification report of the U.S.A. LFGB is the food certification report of Germany.FDA, LFGB are two completely different standards

Second, the test items are different

LFGB German Food and Daily Goods Act 30 and 31 include the following test items

1, the sample and material preliminary inspection? and materials of the initial inspection?

2. Sensory evaluation of odor and taste transfer

3. Plastic samples: test for transferable components and test for precipitable heavy metals?

4, metal: composition and precipitable heavy metal test?

5, silicone resin: transferable or volatile organic compounds test?

6, special materials?

FDA testing program

1. Medical device FDA registration: including enterprise registration and product listing two parts. After the registration is completed, enter the appropriate registration code, query code, or the name of the company can go to the FDA official website to check the relevant information.

The cost includes two aspects, one is the FDA annual fee charged by the U.S., this fee in the form of U.S. dollars paid directly to the FDA finances, October 1 - December 31 each year to renew the annual fee for the next year, in order to maintain the validity of the FDA registration, the amount of the annual fee is not the same each year. The other is the agent fee charged (is included in the company registration, product registration, the U.S. agent).

2, food FDA registration: food FDA registration and medical device FDA registration has some differences. One is that the food do FDA does not need to pay the annual fee of U.S. dollars, the second is every even years for an update.

Three is the food FDA registration success, the official website is no public query, with medical devices? and drugs are not the same, the cost is included? Registration as well as the U.S. agent services, the cycle is the amount of money within 3-5 working days, need to cooperate with the completion of an application form.

3, cosmetics registration: FDA cosmetics registration includes two parts, cosmetic manufacturer registration and cosmetic ingredient declaration, the process: fill out the FDA cosmetic enterprise application form contains product ingredients, for the enterprise to apply for FDA cosmetic enterprise registration, query cosmetic ingredient code, submit cosmetic ingredient registration application to the FDA, waiting for the manual approval, registration can be successful to obtain FDA The FDA registration number can be obtained after successful registration.

4, FDA?factory inspection, FDA is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the abbreviation for the U.S. Government in the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Public **** one of the executive agencies set up in the Department of Health

Its main supervisor: Food, Drugs, Medical Devices, Food Additives, Cosmetics, and Pharmaceuticals, such as the supervision and inspection of products.

Three, the test conditions are not the same

The same aqueous media, FDA 2600 standard limits are higher, easy to pass, 1810 instead of difficult to pass.

LFGB aqueous solution are easy to pass, only isooctane is more difficult to pass.

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Expanded Information:

U.S. FDA Approval

FDA stands for Food?and?Drug?Administration.FDA sometimes stands for the U.S. Food Drug Administration.

The FDA is authorized by the U.S. Congress, the federal government, as a law enforcement agency specializing in the regulation of food and drugs, and as a government health-regulatory watchdog agency comprised of professionals such as doctors, lawyers, microbiologists, chemists, and statisticians who are dedicated to protecting, promoting, and enhancing the health of the nation. Many other countries seek and receive help from the FDA to promote and monitor the safety of their own products

German LFGB certification

LFGB certification, also known as the "Food, Tobacco Products, Cosmetics, and Other Household Goods Act" is the most important and fundamental legal document in Germany in terms of food hygiene management, is the development of other special food hygiene laws, regulations and guidelines. It is the core of other special food hygiene laws and regulations. However, it has been modified in recent years, mainly to match European standards.

LFGB "New Food and Dietary Supplies Act" German LFGB is very strict, LFGB is the most important legal documents on food hygiene in Germany, is the other special food hygiene laws, laws and regulations of the guidelines and core.



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