What is the difference between an implantable medical device and an interventional medical device

There is no difference between the two.

Implantable medical devices refers to interventional medical devices, medical device classification rules (Bureau Decree No. 15) (E) implantable medical devices: any with the aid of surgical procedures, all or part of the device into the human body or natural cavities; in the end of the surgical process to remain in the body for a long period of time, or part of these devices to remain in the body for at least 30 days or more, these devices are considered implantable devices.

With the continuous development of China's implantable medical device industry, the current domestic implantable medical device enterprises have basically been able to produce low-end and part of the mid-end implantable medical devices, and made some progress in the field of biocompatible new material research. However, the overall level of products is low, the phenomenon of homogenization is serious, China's tertiary hospitals in the middle and high-end device market is basically seized by multinational enterprises. Domestic implantable medical device manufacturers need to seize the opportunity of industry development, and constantly carry out technological innovation.

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Extended information:

Development of Implantable Medical Devices:

Surgical implants are an important product category in the medical device industry, and implantable medical devices are currently one of the most One of the most effective means. In recent years, China's implantable medical devices has entered a period of rapid development, in 2006 the total output value of domestic implantable medical devices was about 20 billion yuan, in 2009 the total output value of domestic implantable medical devices has reached 40 billion yuan, with an annual growth rate of more than 30%.

Because of the large population base in China, according to industry associations, China's implantable medical device industry in the next 10 years will reach an annual market size of 150 billion yuan, becoming the world's second-largest implantable medical device market, second only to the United States.

With the continuous development of China's implantable medical device industry, domestic implantable medical device enterprises have basically been able to produce low-end and some mid-range implantable devices, and made some progress in the field of biocompatibility of new materials research; however, the overall level of the product is relatively low, the phenomenon of homogenization is serious, and the market of the medium- to high-end devices in China's tertiary hospitals is basically seized by multinational enterprises.

From the above table, we can see that malignant tumors, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, respiratory disease in the health of the population and the death rate in the ranking of the front, implantable medical devices in these categories of diseases are very widely used. In addition, in recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, the rapid growth of demand for cosmetic surgery, almost every hospital has a medical aesthetic plastic surgery, there are many private cosmetic surgery clinics, medical cosmetic market has great potential.

The demand for implantable medical devices in cosmetic surgery has been growing steadily year by year, and this market will be an important area of growth for implantable medical devices in the future.

/baike.baidu.com/item/implantable medical devices/8478368?fr=aladdin "target="_blank">Baidu Encyclopedia - Implantable Medical Devices

/baike.baidu.com/item/implantable medical devices/3694188" target="_blank">Baidu Encyclopedia - Implantable Medical Devices