Belonging to the mechanical industry products of instruments and meters are industrial automation instruments, electrical instruments, optical instruments, analytical instruments, laboratory instruments and devices, material testing machines, meteorological and marine instruments, film machinery, photographic machinery, copying and microfilming machinery, instrumentation components, instrumentation materials, instrumentation equipment and other thirteen types of technology. They are more versatile, larger batch, or the necessary foundation for the instrumentation industry.
Various types of instrumentation according to different characteristics, such as function, detection and control of objects, structure, principle, etc. can also be divided into a number of subclasses or subclasses. Such as industrial automation instrumentation according to function can be divided into detection instrumentation, loop display instrumentation, regulating instrumentation and actuators, etc.; which detection instrumentation according to the measured physical volume is divided into temperature measurement instrumentation, pressure measurement instrumentation, flow measurement instrumentation, level measurement instrumentation and mechanical measurement instrumentation, etc.; temperature measurement instrumentation according to the measurement method is divided into contact temperature instrumentation and non-contact temperature instrumentation; contact temperature instrumentation can be divided into Thermoelectric, expansion, resistance and so on.
Other types of instrumentation classification is generally similar, mainly with the development process, the use of customary and related product classification. Instrumentation in the classification is not yet a unified standard, instrumentation naming also exists in a similar situation.
In the reality of the actual work, we often instrumentation is divided into two categories: automation instrumentation and portable instrumentation, automation instrumentation refers to the need for fixed installation in the field of the instrumentation, also known as field installation instrumentation or dial installation instrumentation, this type of instrumentation needs to be used in conjunction with other equipment in order to complete a certain one or a few functions; portable instrumentation refers to the use of a separate, sometimes Also known as testing instruments, generally divided into two types of desktop and handheld.
There is another classification of instrumentation, called primary instrumentation and secondary instrumentation, primary instrumentation refers to the sensor such as direct contact with the measured signal part, secondary instrumentation refers to the amplification, display, signal transmission part. The information here is provided by Jiangsu Jinhu Aotome Automation Instrumentation Factory free of charge to you, and I hope to bring greater help to those who need it