I need help translating my resume, please.

Content of resume:

Self Evaluation

Bachelor's Degree in Japanese, Basic Japanese Communicator. I work part-time in the Pizahutu field on my days off, and have accumulated experience in organizing and cooperating with others, and in March 2014, I joined the Human Resources Division of Olympus (Beijing) Sales Service Co. During the internship, I am actively working hard to communicate with my supervisor and colleagues about the contents of my job. I have been upwardly mobile. I am able to use a word, a password, a file, and a processing software to get started.

Service experience

2014 / 03 -- Present

Orinpas (Beijing) Distribution Service Co. Pay:1000-2000元/month


Monthly 1 . The North attendance management framework is organized and attendance statistics are compiled. The attendance system maintenance.

2 . The creation of the Northbound Member Retirement Forum, and the creation of the Arcube.

2010 / 07 - 2011 / 02

Parkson (ピザハット)| | Uchino Stalford

Industry カテゴリ:ホテル/飲食企业上场会社|性性: | Size: 10,000 or more | Job Monthly Payment: $1,000-2,000/month


Rest Day はピザハットそごうデパート内野兼职




Japanese undergraduate graduate with basic Japanese communication skills. During the vacation, I have worked as a part-time employee in Pizza Hut, and I have accumulated a certain teamwork experience through hard work.Since March 2014, I have been an intern in the Personnel Division of Olympus (Beijing) Sales & Service Co. During the internship, I worked hard to learn the content of the work, and actively communicated with the leadership and coworkers. The personal has been greatly improved. Can be more skillful in the use of word, ppt, photoshop and other office software.

Work Experience

2014/03- Present

Olympus (Beijing) Sales & Service Co. /Month

Job Description:

1. Responsible for managing the collection of monthly northern attendance documents, filing; attendance data statistics. Maintenance of attendance system.

2. The production of entry and exit documents for employees in the North, filing, etc.

2010/07- 2011/02

Parkson (Pizza Hut)||Interior Staff

Industry: Hotel/Restaurant ||Corporate Nature: Listed Company ||Size: more than 10,000 ||Job Monthly Salary: $1000-2000 Yuan/Monthly

Job Description:

Holiday had been working in the Sogo Pizza Hut on vacation. Department store infield part-time