Dian Diagnostics' core technology platforms are genomics technology platform and protein and metabolomics platform. Professor Qi Ming, Chief Scientist of Genetics and Genomic Medicine of Dean Diagnostics, is a member of the UNESCO-International Human Genome "Ethics and Standards" Expert Group, a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board, and the General Coordinator of the International Human Genome Project in China. At present, the center has a clinical genome testing center, DP-TOF mass spectrometry system and nanopore single molecule sequencing system. KELP Precision Medicine has long been committed to the use of multi-omics data, including protein and metabolomics, to promote the development and translation of innovative mass spectrometry applications. The proteomics platform is equipped with multiple high-precision and high-resolution mass spectrometry equipment, and the data quality is one of the highest in the industry. Through the continuous research and development of key mass spectrometry technologies, the platform is now equipped with comprehensive technologies for the preparation of micro body fluid samples, micro long-term preservation samples, subcellular fraction samples, cell-resolution tissue samples, transcription factor activity samples, post-translational modification samples, etc., and has realized the capability of data-dependent (DDA) and data-independent (DIA) proteomics data collection and accurate quantification of labeled/unlabeled proteomics. We are capable of data-dependent (DA) and data-independent (DIA) proteomics data acquisition and accurate quantification of labeled/unlabeled proteomics. The CalOmics Multi-Organomics Research Platform developed by CALPRO Precision Medicine utilizes high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) technology, an industry-leading metabolite standards database, and a proprietary laboratory management platform to automate and rapidly identify and quantify metabolites.
In addition, there are biochemistry and immunology technology platforms, clinical testing technology platforms, microbiology technology platforms, cell morphology technology platforms, and pathology diagnostics.