What Does ADA Mean Medicine

ADA refers to the American Dental Association (American Dental Association), founded in 1859, is one of the world's largest dental professional organizations. The Association is dedicated to promoting oral health and improving the quality and efficiency of dental care through research, education, and health promotion, with the purpose of "promoting oral health and improving oral health services." The ADA is also responsible for the development and publication of oral health care programs and standards, which are updated regularly, and is committed to communicating to the public the correct knowledge of oral health and dental care. health knowledge and dental care practices to the public.

Besides the American Dental Association, ADA also has other meanings, the most common of which is Adaptive Design Association. Adaptive design refers to the application of fresh ideas to the creation of new medical devices and appliances designed to meet the special needs of people with disabilities and patients in order to improve their quality of life. The Adaptive Design Association is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to the medical industry, including the design and manufacture of medical devices and appliances to meet a number of specialized medical needs.

In addition, ADA is also an acronym for a class of drugs that means Acid Resistant Druggist Bacillus (Acidophilus DDS-1 ApprovedTM). Acidophilus DDS-1 ApprovedTM is a "benign flora" that is often found in the human body and in food, and is known to promote intestinal health and boost the body's immune system.ADA is marketed as a health supplement and is available in some pharmacies and health stores. People can ingest ADA to regulate the body's microflora rich in benign bacteria, improve the body's immunity and effectively prevent some diseases.