* Large-scale Invitation/tender, various feasibility/evaluation reports, network programs, equipment installation manuals, quality manuals, product manuals, instruction manuals, technical specifications, technical standards, industry standards, company profiles, articles of incorporation, media advertisements, posters, pamphlets, press releases, certificates, and information on leaving the country, etc.
* Translation of large-scale webpages and websites
* Computer software translation and localization projects (software localization)
* Literary translation (prose, poetry, advertising slogans, magazines, journals)
* Notarial translations (documents for studying abroad, international driver's licenses, invitations, qualification certificates, power of attorney, business licenses, notarized materials, etc.
* Simultaneous interpretation for international conferences and interpretation/translation services for various kinds of negotiations
* Translation services for international conferences and negotiations
* Meeting organization and arrangement services for various meetings
* Business travel, visiting translation accompanying services, temporary secretarial services Industrial engineering: product descriptions, catalogs, manuals, equipment installation, debugging manuals, instructions for use, bidding documents, industrial standards, technical standards, project tenders, quality manuals, industry standards, economic and trade: sales brochures, user manuals, memorandums, company profiles, company charters, etc, Memorandum, company profile, articles of incorporation, product catalogs, promotional materials, business letters, marketing plans, business plans, case studies, scientific research reports, market research reports, financial analysis, evaluation reports, audit reports, business plans, etc., meeting materials, press releases, website text, internal publications, publicity and advertising laws and regulations: legal provisions, various contracts, agreements, contracts, tender, annual reports, announcements, notices of intent, listed companies, etc. Laws and regulations: legal provisions, various contracts, agreements, deeds, tenders, annual reports of listed companies, announcements, letters of intent, prospectuses, certificates, certificates, patents, judicial/arbitration documents, governmental documents, diplomatic documents, etc.
Personal information: personal resume, application for admission, application for employment, academic certificates, transcripts, certificates, notarized certificates, visa applications, correspondence, invitation letters, power of attorney, international certificates, academic papers.
Culture and Literature: prose, poetry, advertisements, magazines, writings, scripts, movie and TV dialogues IT: translation of user's handbook, technical literature, other computer-related technical documents. Localization/internationalization of users' websites.
Book Translation: Economics, bestsellers, novels, e-commerce, engineering. With many translation cases, it is currently the largest book translation company in China.