Drug prices are too high, what is the state regulations?

Zero-difference price of hospital drugs means that the price of drugs does not include the profit of pharmacies or hospitals, but only the cost of the drugs themselves and taxes. However, there are various reasons for the high price of hospital drugs:

1. Supply chain costs: The supply chain costs of hospital drugs include the costs of purchasing, storing, transporting and managing the drugs. These costs may be passed on to the selling price of the drug.

2, hospital management costs: hospitals need to pay staff salaries, rent, equipment maintenance and other costs, which will also be reflected in the selling price of drugs.

3, health insurance policies: some countries and regions have health insurance policies that require health care organizations to use only specific drugs or brands, which may be priced higher than the average market price.

4, profit requirements: some hospitals or pharmacies may set high profit requirements, thus increasing the price of drugs.

5. Market monopoly: some medicines may be produced or sold by a few companies, which may take advantage of their monopoly position to raise prices.

The reasons for high drug prices in hospitals are therefore complex, and not only because of zero-differential pricing. In addition, the price of drugs is also affected by supply and demand, competition, policy and other factors.