Which is better, Sweden or Denmark?

Sweden was the first country to introduce social welfare and universal health care. Sweden is one of the countries in the world that accepts the most refugees in proportion to its population. Swedes are very friendly to Chinese people. Foreigners who have been legally residing in Sweden for more than 5 years can become Swedish citizens, provided they have not committed a serious crime during their stay. Marriage or cohabitation with a Swedish citizen Marriage or cohabitation with a Swedish citizen for at least 3 years and marriage or cohabitation with a Swedish citizen for at least 2 years are eligible to apply for Swedish citizenship. A refugee may acquire Swedish nationality after four years of legal residence in Sweden. Foreigners who have been accepted as immigrants in Sweden may be granted a permanent residence permit (PUT) Anyone with a permanent residence permit may reside and work in Sweden indefinitely and may enter the country without permission. A foreigner who has resided legally in Sweden for more than five years may become a Swedish citizen, provided that he or she has not committed a serious crime during that time.  A person who is married to or cohabits with a Swedish citizen may acquire Swedish citizenship in a shorter period of time, but in this case the person must generally have resided in Sweden for at least three years and have been married to or cohabited with a Swedish citizen for at least two years. Stateless persons or political refugees may acquire Swedish nationality after four years of legal residence in Sweden. Sweden's "clothes" 1, the weather Sweden's weather is to remind everyone to pay attention to, Sweden's winter and summer days and nights are very long, and even at 2 pm in the afternoon when the sky becomes dark, while in the summer it is ten o'clock in the evening you can still see the sun. The sun and the moon appearing at the same time is not uncommon here. 2, clothing preparation As for the preparation of clothing, taking into account the Swedish clothing itself, especially winter clothing is not very expensive, and the quality is good, and generally waterproof, and therefore recommended to Sweden and then buy winter clothes. It is also recommended to buy waterproof shoes, the price is not very high. In contrast, underwear and socks are more expensive, so you can bring some from home. Sweden is still relatively warm in winter, the temperature is close to Shanghai, and the indoor temperature is high, so sweaters and sweaters are not too necessary to carry, but gloves and hats are essential. Second, Sweden's "food" 1, supermarkets Sweden's supermarkets and domestic no big difference, the entrance to the shopping basket, but the use of shopping carts need to pay attention to, some of the cars here need to be put into the five kronor or ten kronor coins in order to push away, the return of coins will be returned to the car. Supermarkets of some good quality and larger plastic bags are generally extra charge, the price of one kronor to three kronor ranging, of course, there is no charge for plastic bags, but generally very small, can not hold much of anything. In addition, Sweden's supermarkets are generally equipped with recycling stations, recycling empty bottles and cans, each can get 0.5 kronor to 2 kronor ranging from the recycling fee. Supermarkets generally also have a small post office to facilitate customers to post things. 2, food For food, Sweden has a lot of specialties are very tasty, of course, including meatballs and fish, especially recommended salmon, there is a kind of practice is to use potatoes, onions, milk and special ingredients, put in the oven slow baked, the taste is very good, a great aftertaste. There is also apple pie, which is very tasty and recommended. There is also H?agen-Dazs and other ice cream is very cheap, like ice cream friends can eat a lot.

2, the bar As we all know, the bar is a very important part of the Swedish life, not only on weekends and festivals, even on weekdays, the bar also presents a lively scene. We recommend some wine, the first Stor Stark, equivalent to the domestic root beer, taste sweet and bitter, alcohol is not big, in the bar is forced to popular, the price is not very expensive, usually a large cup of 20 to 50 kronor or so, enough to drink a night. Bally\'s, or chocolate and vodka, is recommended for women, and White Russia and Absolut are also popular drinks. There are usually many fans gathered in the bar, where you can enjoy watching soccer, and if you have the inclination, you can also bet on the lottery and guess the score, which will be more enjoyable. 3. Garbage The problem of garbage disposal in Sweden is quite complicated. The garbage here is generally recycled, and there are strict classifications such as paper, boxes, glass, used batteries, etc. In Sweden, garbage is divided into seven categories. In Sweden, the garbage is roughly divided into seven categories: the first is the living garbage, mostly refers to the cooking needs to deal with the garbage; the second is the battery category, which is the same as many places in the domestic treatment, in order to protect the environment, the battery is a separate recycling; the third is the plastic category, which is divided into soft plastics and hard plastics; the fourth is the metal products; the fifth is the glass supplies, which is divided into transparent glass and tinted glass two kinds of; the sixth is the paper category, which is divided into cardboard and soft paper, and so on. Divided into cardboard and soft paper, etc.; seventh is medicine, including finished bottles, generally sent back to the pharmacy in the designated garbage cans. Sweden's "live" 1, student dormitory In different schools, accommodation fees are different, even within the same school dormitory prices also vary, you can quickly apply for cheaper dormitories. If you live in a dormitory, it is more convenient to access the internet, and the computer room is usually free, so you can save a lot of money. I moved out after three months. If you are renting a room, a typical house including utilities is usually under three thousand kroner.

Contact with family, here we recommend the use of PC-to-Phone, from the Internet to buy a RMB 100 or 200 card, you can get 15% or 83% discount, the cost of calls to the country per minute RMB triangular. As for those daily necessities, it is recommended that boys bring their own razors, and it is best to bring more nursing care products for girls, so as to be prepared. 2, electricity About electricity, in general, Sweden's voltage is 240V, all kinds of domestic electrical appliances here basically can be used directly without a transformer, but need to pay attention to the plug and our domestic plug is completely different, due to the interface is different and the need for a conversion plug. Sweden uses a lot of electricity, which is amazing, perhaps based on the consideration of warmth, many places such as schools, supermarkets are using very thick and heavy electric doors. On the purchase of conversion plugs, in the country is generally thirty dollars or less, when purchasing, note that the European standard or German standard can be, if you buy in Sweden at least one hundred kronor. Those with laptops, you can match a European standard cable, the price is not very expensive and can not need to convert the plug. Another thing is that the price of chargers and rechargeable batteries in Sweden is very high, so we suggest you to bring some batteries from home. If you have a digital camera, we suggest you prepare a good camera companion. In short, please try to prepare all such items in the country, so that you can save a lot of money. Water As for water, Sweden has abundant water resources and the water can be drunk directly. In Sweden, every household has a 24-hour piped hot water supply, but of course, the hot water here can not be directly quoted. 

4, electrical appliances

Rice cooker is a very necessary electrical appliances, but it is very troublesome to bring from home, Sweden's rice cooker is usually about 200 kronor, the price is not very expensive, and therefore we recommend that you come here to buy, and omit the problem of plug conversion. There is also a necessary electrical appliances is an electric kettle, this is the same as the rice cooker, more than two hundred kronor, we recommend that you buy here, in addition, if you are not in a hurry, we recommend that you wait for the promotional time, then with the coffee that is one hundred kronor you can buy an electric kettle.

On the computer, writing papers, checking information and so on is still quite necessary. If it is a laptop can be brought from the domestic, desktop computer, then you have to buy this side, if the configuration requirements are not high, you can buy a second-hand, the price is generally about four thousand krone.

Mobile phone is a necessary communication tool, it is recommended to buy in the country, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and other brands of cell phones can be used here, as long as equipped with a Swedish SIM card can be. As the daytime call charges are very expensive, it is recommended that you do not call during the day. In addition, many websites in Sweden offer free text messaging services, and it is recommended that you register here to save a considerable amount of money.

5. Haircuts Haircuts are very expensive in Sweden, at least a few hundred kronor at a time. It is advisable to learn how to cut each other's hair. Of course, it may be difficult at first, but you can practice slowly, as long as you are ready to cut the hair cloth, pusher (purchased in Sweden can be, the price is not high), as well as combs, scissors, etc., you can start. Sweden's "line" 1, custom In Sweden, many intersections without traffic lights but in good order. Cars will start to slow down far from the pedestrians, there are not many traffic police here, but the emergency vehicles are always shuttling, in addition to traffic jams also occur from time to time.

Swedish stores are open from 10am to 3pm. People love to chat over a beer outside, and this continues in spring and fall, in addition to the cold winter months. People enjoy traveling and sports as an integral part of their lives. Swedes are proud of their country, whether they live in the city or in the countryside. Swedish women smoke a lot, far more than in China. In addition, Swedes have a special affection for horses, which are inextricably linked to Swedish culture. There is also a little bit strange is the transportation here, take the train to be more expensive than taking the plane. 2, transportation ◆ Bus The characteristics of Swedish buses can be said to be highly "humane", such as vehicles into the station when the car will automatically slow down, making it easier for passengers to get on the bus. Buses are unmanned ticketing system, the car is equipped with only one driver, passengers ride from the front door to the car, the use of monthly tickets to the driver to take the initiative to show the monthly ticket, and the use of strip tickets is to give the strip ticket to the driver to stamp.

There are red buttons all over the train that passengers can press when they are about to arrive at their destination station. If no one presses the "stop" button and no one is waiting to get on the train, the driver will not stop at that station.

There are seats for special passengers, such as the disabled and those with small children. Another point to note, the lower part of the rear door of the carriages is installed with a detection device, that is, automatic door, if someone stands at the rear door, the door will automatically open, so that passengers can get off. Generally speaking, Swedish buses have two or four doors. In addition, there is a timetable at each bus stop, and the buses will come in on time. There are many private cars in Sweden, mostly Volvo, Volkswagen, BMW and sometimes Mercedes-Benz. Generally speaking, most vehicles are more practical, and it is more common to find small cars that can accommodate four or even two people. More exaggeratedly, there are even small cars that just accommodate the driver himself. It is not difficult to see in Sweden, it seems that one person can lift the car. ◆ Bicycle Bicycles are very useful in Sweden, but they are very expensive, up to more than ten times of the domestic price. 20,000 to 30,000 kronor is a very common price, so bicycles are not very common here. If you are really interested in bicycles, please note that the bicycles here are usually mountain bikes, and you need to wear a helmet when you ride a bicycle, and bicycles have their own separate lanes on the roads in general.

In fact, it is recommended that you can buy a second-hand car, which is convenient for transportation, but also to save money. The locks are very expensive and not of good quality, especially the ones you get when you buy a bike, some of them are even like children's toys.

Lastly, I would like to remind you to pay attention to a few points, because the terrain has a lot of ups and downs, so you should try to choose the kind of lightweight car, it is easier to climb the mountain; need to pump up when you can use the school's facilities, that is, the free electric device; in the wind and snow weather, we recommend that in order to protect their own safety don't ride a bicycle, you can take the bus or walk.