1. Don't have everyone as a leader in a small company. Many companies have a small number of people during the startup period, but what can be found is that everyone has a top position. They are CEO, CFO, CTO, COO, CMO, etc. The company a **** just five people result in all of them being the chief whatever officer, please guys make these positions clear before writing the TITLE okay?
Generally in the case of a company with few people, only write a company CEO can be. This will clearly tell investors who is the leader of the team, and that's enough.
Of course, in the company after a small scale, your founding team is all can be added to the louder title, after all, you are no longer the year of the light pole commander.
2. Skillfully packaged education. There is no denying that there is a clear chain of educational disdain in the VC community. You can't admit it, but it does exist and is ineradicable.
It is probably such a sort: international first-class universities (Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Yale, etc.) > Tsinghua Peking University > other universities.
Looking at academic qualifications to invest in people may seem like a haphazard rule, but it's one that many investors follow. Among them, angel investor Xu Xiaoping has repeatedly expressed his love for entrepreneurs from prestigious international schools, and Chen Ou graduated from Stanford University, an internationally recognized institution. Xu Xiaoping invested in Chen Ou just after he returned to China and was ready to start his own business, it was that straightforward. Chen Ou didn't even need to produce a fancy business plan.
In China, there are only two guidelines for investors to look at schools, one is Tsinghua and Peking University, and the other is the other. This rule may seem cold, but there is nothing you can do about it.
3. Team introductions learn to use keywords. In addition to academic qualifications, we need to show investors how the team members' work experience is.
4. No need to introduce every member. Team introduction is actually the most important thing is to highlight the founder's bright resume can be, other co-founders can also be a little introduction. Some other supervisors ah, employees ah, that there is no need to introduce one by one.