How to translate medical wellness? Medical wellness? It doesn't feel very good.

medical adjective

connected with illness and injury and their treatment of injury; disease; medical usually before noun

medical advances/care/ research medical advances; medical treatment; medical research

her medical condition/history/records her medical condition/history/records research medical advances/care/research

her medical condition/history/records her pathological condition/history/records

the medical profession medical profession

a medical student/ school medical student; medical school

a medical certificate (= a statement by a doctor that gives details of your state of health) health certificate

See also: med

connected with ways of treating illness that is not a medical condition. connected with ways of treating illness that do not involve cutting the body usually before noun

medical or surgical treatment medical or surgical treatment

Derivative: medically adverb /-kli/ DJ /-kl?/ KK

medically fit/unfit physically fit/unfit


Variant: medical examination

a thorough examination of your body that a doctor does, for example, before you start a particular job physical examination informal

wellness: the state of being healthy health

So it does mean medical care.