Trademark classification shorthand

1. food: the classification number is 3th, including all kinds of food, beverage, tobacco and its products.

2. Cosmetics: Category 3, including various cosmetics, perfumes, bath products, hair care products, etc.

3. Medical devices: the classification number is Class 1, including various medical devices and drug packaging.

4. finance: the classification number is 36th, including various financial services, financial products, investment companies, etc.

5. Electronic category: the classification numbers are Category 9, Category 38 and Category 41, including various electronic products, telecommunications services and electronic games.

6. Furniture category: the classification number is category 2, including all kinds of furniture, fabrics and decorations.

7. textiles: the classification number is category 24, including all kinds of clothing, shoes and hats, fabrics, towels, etc.

8. automobile category: the classification number is category 12, including all kinds of automobiles, motorcycles and their accessories.

9. Construction: The classification numbers are 19th and 37th, including all kinds of building materials, construction equipment and real estate services.

1. Sporting goods category: the classification number is category 28, including all kinds of sporting goods, equipment and accessories.