Reprint: summary, is a time period of the situation for a comprehensive and systematic total inspection, total evaluation, total analysis, total research, analysis of achievements, shortcomings, experience and so on. Summarize is a kind of application writing, is the work that has been done rational thinking. Summarize and plan are complementary to each other, to be based on the plan, the development of the plan is always on the basis of personal summary of experience.
Summary of the basic requirements
1. The summary must have an overview of the situation and the narrative, some relatively simple, some more detailed. This part of the content is mainly on the work of the subjective and objective conditions, favorable and unfavorable conditions, as well as the work of the environment and the basis for the analysis.
2. Achievements and shortcomings. This is the center of the summary. The purpose of the summary is to recognize the achievements and shortcomings. What are the achievements, how much, in what areas, how to achieve; shortcomings in how many, in what areas, what is the nature of, how to produce, should be clear.
3. Experience and lessons learned. Have done a thing, there will always be experience and lessons learned. In order to facilitate the future work, the experience and lessons of past work must be analyzed, studied, summarized, concentrated, and rise to the height of the theory to understand.
Future intentions. According to the future tasks and requirements, drawing on the experience and lessons learned from the previous period of work, clear direction of efforts, and put forward measures for improvement
Summary of the notes
1. must be realistic, the achievements are not exaggerated, the shortcomings are not narrowed down, and can not be falsified. This is the basis for analyzing and drawing lessons.
2. The organization should be clear. Summarize is written for people to see, not clear, people can not see, even if you look at the reason for it, so it will not achieve the purpose of the summary.
3. To cut the appropriate, appropriate detail. The material has the essence of the phenomenon; there are important, there are secondary, the writing should be turned over to save the essence. Summarize the issues to have a primary and secondary, the details of the points, the details to be detailed, the details to be brief.
Summary of the basic format
1, title
2, body
Beginning: an overview of the situation, the overall assessment; outline, sum up the whole text.
Body: analysis of achievements and shortcomings, summarize the lessons learned.
Conclusion: analyze the problem, clear direction.
3, drop
signature, date