The common catheter is a piece of plastic tube with a certain length, the front section is tapered so that it can be easily inserted into the blood vessel; the tail section is the same as the end of the injection needle so that it can be easily connected to the syringe. The anterior section of the common catheter has various shapes, such as single arc, reverse arc, double arc, reinforced double arc, hepatic arc frontal view, hepatic arc lateral view, triple arc, etc., in order to facilitate the insertion of different parts of the blood vessels. The specification of the catheter is often used to express the F number (FrenchNo), such as 6F or 7F, etc. The F number is equal to the number of millimeters of the outer circumference of the catheter.
Specialty catheters are relatively complex in shape and construction, and fulfill a variety of medical functions. Special catheters include:
Balloon catheters are the most widely used type of catheters, including ordinary double-lumen single-balloon catheters, double-lumen bilobed balloon catheters, double-lumen trilobed balloon catheters, double-lumen single-balloon catheters (Inoue balloon catheters), quadruple-lumen double-balloon catheters (carotid arterioplasty balloon catheters), detachableballooncatheheter (detachableballooncatheheter), and other special catheters. detachable balloon catheter, calibrated leak balloon catheter, coronary angioplasty balloon catheter, rapid exchange balloon catheter, monorail balloon catheter, balloon on wire catheter. balloononwirecatheter), balloon catheter with fixed guidewire in the apical segment (balloononawiresystem), combined tandem balloon catheter (triple-lumen double-balloon), perfusion balloon catheter, laser balloon catheter (laserballooncatheter), radiofrequency thermal balloon catheter (triple-lumen single-balloon catheter) and so on.
Some other commonly used catheters are: guiding catheters (guidingcatheters), coaxial catheters (coaxialcatheter), microcatheters (microcatheter), controllable directional catheters, atrial septotomy catheters, clot-capturing catheters, plaque spinning abrasion catheters (rotablator), and plaque spinning cut catheters, Labeling electrode catheter, radiofrequency ablation catheter (also known as large head catheter), pacing electrode catheter, etc. Among them, coronary angioplasty (PTCA) catheters are an important category of catheters, including PTCAguiding catheter, PTCAdilatation catheter, and guidewire. The wall of the guiding catheter is divided into three layers: an outer layer of polyurethane or polyethylene, an intermediate layer of epoxy resin-fiber mesh or metal mesh, and an inner layer of smooth Teflon (Teflon).
Sheaths, also known as catheter sheaths, are used primarily to guide catheters, balloon catheters, or other endovascular devices smoothly into the vasculature. The sheath consists of an outer sheath, a dilator, and a short guidewire.
Sheaths are categorized into four types: plain sheaths, leak-proof sheaths (Check-Flosheath), peeled catheter insertion sheaths (peel-waysheath), and long sheaths.