Processing board and PCB board difference?

What is pcba

PCBA=assembly of PCB.Various electronic devices are assembled on a circuit board through the surface encapsulation process. Next is box assembly, that is, the assembled PCB with the shell and other assembly, forming a finished product.

That is to say, the PCB empty board through the SMT on the pieces, and then after the DIP plug-in the entire process, referred to as PCBA. this is a common way of writing in the country, and in Europe and the United States, the standard way of writing is PCB 'A', is added with a slanting point. pcba, that is, pasted piece of the PCB.

What is the pcb

PCB (Printed Circuit Board), the Chinese name for the printed circuit board, also known as the printed circuit board, is an important electronic components, is the electronic components of the support body, is the carrier of the electrical connection of electronic components. Because it is the use of electronic printing technology, it is called "printed" circuit board.

Electronic equipment using printed circuit boards, due to the consistency of similar printed circuit boards, thus avoiding the error of manual wiring, and electronic components can be automatically inserted or mounted, automatic soldering, automatic detection, to ensure the quality of the electronic equipment, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and easy maintenance.

The difference between pcba and pcb

One is a finished board and one is a bare board

PCB (Printed Circuit Board) is called "Printed Circuit Board" and is made of epoxy glass resin material, which is divided into 4, 6 and 8 layers according to the number of layers of its signal. Layer board, 4, 6 layer board is the most common. Chips and other SMD components are affixed to the PCB.

PCBA may be understood as a finished circuit board, that is, the circuit board on the process are completed before counting the PCBA

PCBA = Printed Ciruit Board + Assembly

That is to say, the PCB empty board through the SMT on the pieces, and then after the DIP plug-in the entire process, referred to as PCBA

PCB (Printed Circuie Board) Printed Circuit Board for short, usually in the insulating material, according to the predetermined design, made of printed lines, printed components or a combination of both conductive graphics known as printed circuits. And in the insulating substrate to provide electrical connections between the components of the conductive pattern, known as the printed line. The finished board of the printed circuit or printed line is thus called a printed circuit board, also known as a printed board or printed circuit board.

The standard PCB has no parts on the header and is often referred to as a "Printed Wiring Board (PWB)".