Ozone generator disinfection effect is obvious?

The current use of disinfection technology are: liquid chlorine, ozone, chlorine dioxide, ultraviolet light. As liquid chlorine disinfection and chlorine dioxide is the secondary pollution, and residual chlorine stimulation of the human body so that there is no similar problem of other disinfection methods have been applied. Among them, ozone, ultraviolet light emerging as the most important disinfection methods. Comparison of the effects and advantages and disadvantages of various methods of disinfection and sterilization are shown in the table.

Items liquid chlorine chlorine dioxide ultraviolet light ozone

Treatment time 10~30 minutes than liquid chlorine slightly faster than the minimum 3~5 minutes

Effectiveness of bacteria there are there are there are strong

Effectiveness of viruses there are some there are some there are some there are some strong

Equipment investment is the minimum than liquid chlorine, much lower than the other methods of ozone is higher than liquid chlorine, 5 times higher than the liquid chlorine.

Operating costs Minimum Higher than liquid chlorine, slightly lower than other methods Similar to ozone Higher than liquid chlorine

Advantages 1. Inexpensive

2. Mature technology

3. Protective chlorine residual


Bactericidal effect fast

1, remove color and odor fast

2, broad-spectrum sterilization, disinfection, is 1000 times the effect of other sterilization

3, no secondary pollution

Disadvantages 1, ineffective against viruses

2, its oxidizing properties are harmful to the human body

3, irritating odor and damage to the human skin

4, the ability to sustain sterilization

Water agent

3, the water can be used to disinfect water, the water can be used to disinfect water, the water can be used to disinfect water. p>

The need for activation of the water agent, activation of a certain amount of irritating odor 1, high cost of equipment, low cost of use, cost-effective

2, no sustained bactericidal ability

3, high pretreatment requirements for water

4, weak penetration 1, high cost of equipment, low cost of use, cost-effective

2, no sustained bactericidal ability

< p>3, high safety requirements

Suitable for type All types of sewage treatment or water treatment 1, all types of sewage treatment

2, all types of water treatment

Simple air sterilization, hospital wastewater, beverage production water, wastewater treatment and discharge 1, suitable for all occasions of sterilization and disinfection of water treatment

2, air disinfection

< p>3, instrument surface disinfection

Through the above table can be seen, in terms of the effectiveness of disinfection and sterilization, ozone and ultraviolet light is about the same, but chlorine dioxide applications than ultraviolet light and a wide range. In terms of equipment investment and operating costs, ozone ≈ ultraviolet > chlorine dioxide > liquid chlorine. But according to the overall evaluation of the various disinfection methods, chlorine dioxide is a very good sterilization and disinfection method.

The principle of ozone sterilization:

In 1840, the German scientist Schwabein announced the discovery of ozone in a report to the Munich Academy of Sciences.

The English name of ozone is OZONE, molecular formula O3, molecular weight 48, is an isotope of oxygen (O2), consisting of three oxygen atoms, also known as oxygen-rich, triple oxygen, super oxygen.

Properties of ozone___

Ozone is composed of an oxygen molecule (O2) carrying an oxygen atom (O), which is an allotrope of oxygen. Compared with oxygen, ozone has a high specific gravity. It is colored and has an odor. At room temperature it is light blue and has a grassy odor. The odor can be smelled after lightning. 1ppm ozone = 1.963mg/m3 . The density of ozone is ρ = 2.144g/l in standard condition and ρ = 1.293g/l in air. The solubility of ozone in water is about 10 - 15 times that of oxygen, and it is less stable in water.

Ozone is easy to decompose, unstable reference state ozone half-life of 22~25 minutes, an hour of decline rate of 61%, in 1% of the ozone in aqueous solution half-life of about 16 minutes, and the higher the temperature, the greater the humidity, the shorter the half-life.

Ozone is unstable. As the ozone (O3) is composed of oxygen molecules carrying an oxygen atom, it is only a temporary form, carrying the oxygen atom in addition to oxidizing the use of the remaining combination of oxygen (O2) into a stable state. So there is no secondary pollution in the ozone work, which is the greatest superiority of the application of ozone technology.

Ozone has a strong oxidizing ability.

The function of ozone___

Ozone has a strong oxidizing ability, there are four major functions: oxidation, sterilization, decolorization, deodorization.

The application of ozone is mainly sterilization and disinfection. This is mainly because ozone has a strong oxidizing ability, ozone in a certain concentration with bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other microorganisms to produce biochemical reactions. Ozone has a high energy, at room temperature, normal pressure and soon decomposed into oxygen (O2) and individual oxygen atoms (O), individual oxygen atoms have a strong activity, bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other microorganisms have a strong oxidizing effect.

The International Health Organization has summarized and compared the efficacy of its sterilization, ozone and other biocides on the killing effect of E. coli in the following order: ozone (O3) > hypochlorous acid (HCLO) > chlorine dioxide (CLO2) > silver ions (Ag +) > hypochlorite (CLO) > perchlorate (Fe3+) > chloramine (NHCl3). NHCl3).

Ozone is a broad-spectrum, highly efficient and rapid bactericide, which can rapidly kill a variety of bacteria, viruses, pathogens and microorganisms that cause disease in humans and animals. It can destroy the biological structure of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms in a relatively short period of time, puncture the cell wall and make it lose its ability to survive, and when its concentration reaches a certain value, sterilization can even be completed instantly.

According to the internationally recognized ozone sterilization and disinfection experimental data show that: when the addition to 4 minutes, the concentration of 12.6mg / L, the killing rate of coronavirus is 100%; when the addition to 3 minutes, the concentration of 4mg / L, the killing rate of HIV is 100%; when the addition to 20 minutes, the concentration of 10mg / m3, the surface antigen of hepatitis B, the killing rate of 99.9%. The killing rate of Hepatitis B surface antigen is 99.9%; when adding time to 10 minutes and adding concentration of 8mg/m3, the killing rate of Mycoplasma, Chlamydia and other pathogens is 99.85% ......

Ozone, as a means of disinfection with excellent performance, is widely used in many fields, such as GMP of pharmaceutical enterprises, medical and health care places, food processing workshops and residents' daily life. Daily life and many other areas of large-scale application, known as the "green disinfectant", in the Ministry of Health, "Disinfection Technical Specification" and other national technical standards on ozone sterilization are clearly affirmed.

The Guangdong Provincial Department of Health issued the relevant provisions [Guangdong Health [2003] No. 63], ozone is designated as an important air disinfection. It played a great role in the period of Fidian.

The disinfection and sterilization mechanism of ozone___

Ozone sterilization mechanism to oxidation to destroy the structure of the microbial membrane to achieve sterilization. Ozone first act on the cell membrane, so that the membrane components are damaged and lead to metabolic disorders, ozone continues to penetrate the membrane and destroy the membrane lipoproteins and lipopolysaccharides, change the permeability of the cell, leading to cell lysis, death. The ozone inactivation of the virus is considered to be the direct destruction of its oxidation of ribonucleic acid RNA or deoxyribonucleic acid DNA material and complete.

Ozonated water to kill some different situations, the oxidation reaction has two kinds of microbial organisms both with the ozone dissolved in the water to react directly, but also with the decomposition of ozone generated by the indirect reaction of hydroxyl OH, due to the hydroxyl OH for the oxidizing oxidant is very oxidizing, therefore, ozonated water sterilization is extremely fast.

Ozone can oxidize and decompose bacteria, viruses, internal oxidation of glucose must be glucose oxidase, and directly with bacteria, viruses and the role of oxidation and penetrate the cell wall, destruction of its organelles and ribonucleic acid, decomposition of DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides and other macromolecules such as polymers, so that bacteria, viruses, the metabolism and the reproduction process has been destroyed, and the capture of the bacterial virus. Life. At the same time can also penetrate the cell membrane organization, invade the cell membrane role in the outer membrane lipoproteins and internal lipopolysaccharide, so that the cell permeability aberration, leading to cell lysis death, and the death of bacteria in the body of the genetic, parasitic species, parasitic virus particles, phage, mycoplasma, and heat (endotoxin) and other dissolved death. To summarize the principle of aseptic technology on the role of microorganisms can be divided into three types of bacteriostatic, bactericidal and bacteriolytic. Ozone sterilization belongs to the bacteriostatic agent, can achieve "complete and permanent elimination of all microorganisms within the object purpose". And its effect is instantaneous.

Ozone sterilization mechanism: ozone sterilization process is a biochemical oxidation reaction, ozone sterilization has the following three forms: ① ozone oxidation decomposition of glucose oxidase necessary to oxidize glucose inside the bacteria; ② direct interaction with bacteria, viruses, destruction of their cell walls and DNA and RNA, the decomposition of proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides and other macromolecules polymers, so that the bacterial metabolic process is destroyed. Growth and reproduction process was destroyed; ③ penetrate the cell membrane organization, invade the cell membrane role in the outer membrane lipoproteins and internal lipopolysaccharide, so that the cell permeability aberration, resulting in cell lysis and death, and the death of the bacteria in the body of the genetic, parasitic species, parasitic viral particles, phages, branching protozoa and pyrogens (bacterial and viral metabolites, endotoxins) and other dissolved denaturation and extinction. It can be seen that ozone sterilization belongs to the lysis of bacteria, is the most thorough form of the three sterilization methods. Since ozone can kill viruses and bacteria, will it also kill healthy cells? No, because healthy cells have a strong and balanced enzyme system, so ozone is not harmful to healthy cells.

Dahuan Ozone Equipment