. According to its content, when short-circuiting current-carrying equipment such as disconnecting switches, the safety technical regulations to be observed are as follows: (1) Before short-circuiting, the phases must first be verified to prevent phase short-circuits from occurring in the wrong phase.
(2) The shunt line used for shorting should be cleared of oxidized layer at the contact place, and the contact of the line clamp should be reliable, tight and free of heat.
(3) 35kV and the following equipment shorting, if the use of insulated shunt, its insulation properties should be tested in accordance with the provisions of the insulation test standards for insulating tools, and its voltage withstand performance meets the requirements before use.
(4) It must be ensured that the circuit breaker is in the post-close position during the entire shorting process. In order to prevent the circuit breaker from breaking in an instant and causing an accident of shorting with a load, the trip circuit fuse should be removed and the trip mechanism of the circuit breaker should be topped off.
(5) shorting is completed should also deal with the lead. Take measures to prevent the shunt line swinging ground short circuit, usually with insulated wire for tying or will it support fixed.