What are the criteria for accreditation of level hospitals?

First-class hospitals: primary hospitals and health centers that provide preventive, medical, health care, and rehabilitation services directly to communities of a certain population, usually with fewer than 100 beds.

Second-class hospitals: regional hospitals that provide comprehensive medical and health care services to several communities and carry out certain teaching and scientific research tasks, with beds usually ranging from 100 to 500.

Third-class hospitals: regional hospitals that provide high-level specialized medical and health care services to Several areas to provide high-level specialized medical and health services and the implementation of higher education, scientific research tasks of regional hospitals, the number of beds is usually greater than 500.

Each level of hospitals and then divided into A, B, C, three, three hospitals to add a special class, so that the formation of a three-tier division of ten, in fact, B, C, two hospitals less, the majority of hospitals of all levels are A, a hospital in the actual practice of the hospitals do not distinguish between The first-class hospitals are not divided in practice.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for evaluating the three levels of hospitals, and the other three levels of hospitals are evaluated by the provinces, and the two levels of hospitals are evaluated by the cities and towns, and there are evaluation standards for all levels of hospitals. The evaluation program includes bed facilities, medical equipment, staffing, rules and regulations, service capacity, etc. Calculated on the basis of a thousand-point system, 900 points or more for the first class, 750 points or less for the third class.