By learning artificial intelligence in the future can be engaged in what positions?

Through the current job site related positions, learning artificial intelligence can be engaged in the following positions in the future:

Algorithm Engineer: Conducting research on cutting-edge algorithms related to artificial intelligence,

Artificial intelligence-related algorithms, including machine learning, knowledge applications, intelligent decision-making and other applications of technology.

Intelligent Robot R&D Engineer: The R&D direction is mainly engaged in the development of robot control system, the design and development of high-precision devices.

AI Hardware Specialist: Another growing blue-collar job within the AI field is an industrial operations job responsible for creating AI hardware, such as GPU chips.

Artificial Intelligence Operation and Maintenance Engineer: R&D of operation and operation and maintenance products related to big data and AI products; development and construction of operation and maintenance tool systems for related components; and provision of customer support for big data and AI cloud products.

Program Development Engineer: On the one hand, program development engineers need to complete the algorithm implementation, on the other hand, program development engineers need to complete the project landing.

However, now artificial intelligence is still in the state of weak artificial intelligence, and rapid development, what positions will appear in the future is still unknown.