Essay on Nanotechnology.

An Introduction to Nanotechnology and Its Application in Mechanical Industry

Abstract: It mainly introduces the connotation of nanotechnology, the main content and the application of nanotechnology in micro-mechanics and packaging, food machinery industry, and studies

The study predicts the development prospect of nanotechnology in the future mechanical industry.

Keywords: nanotechnology; micromechanics; machinery industry; development prospects

1 Connotation of nanotechnology

Nanometer is a unit of length, formerly known as the "millimicron", which is

10-9 (one billionth) of a meter. Nanoscience and technology, sometimes

sometimes referred to as nanotechnology, is the study of the properties and applications of materials with structural dimensions in the range of 1~

100 nanometers. Nano

technology is closely related to a wide range of disciplines, and it is a cutting-edge field that embodies the nature of

multidisciplinary intersection. If differentiated by the research target

or the nature of work, nanotechnology includes three

research areas: nanomaterials, nanodevices, and nanoscale

detection and characterization. Among them, nanomaterials are the foundation of nanotechnology

; the level of development and application of nanodevices

is an important criterion of whether mankind enters into the era of nanotechnology

; nanoscale detection and characterization is the indispensable means of nanotechnology research

and an important basis for theory and experiment

. The ultimate goal of nanotechnology is to take atoms and molecules as the

starting point to design and manufacture products with special functions.

2 Main contents of nanotechnology

(1) Nanomaterials include preparation and characterization. At the nanometer

scale, the exergy of electrons (quantum mechanical properties

quality) and the interaction of atoms in a substance will be affected by the size of the scale

, such as obtaining the structure of the nanoscale, it is possible to control

the basic properties of the material, such as melting point, magnetism, capacitance and even

color. without changing the chemical composition of the material.

(2) Nano-dynamics are mainly micromechanical and microelectrical

machines, or collectively known as micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS),

used in miniature sensors and actuators with driven machinery,

fiber-optic communication systems, specialty electronic devices, medical and diagnostic

instruments, etc. MEMS use a design similar to that of an integrated<

appliance design and manufacturing. Characterized by very

small parts, the depth of the etch is often required to be tens to hundreds of microns,

with very small width errors. The process can also be used to make

three-phase motors for ultrafast centrifuges or gyroscopes

, among others. In terms of research there is also the corresponding detection of microdeformations and microfrictions in quasi-atomic scales

degrees, among other things. Although they are not yet

really into the nanoscale, but there is a great potential scientific

and economic value.

(3) Nanobiology and nanopharmacology, such as fixing particles of DNA

on the surface of cloud

mother with colloidal gold at the nano-particle scale, fork-finger electrodes on the surface of silicon dioxide to do

experiments on the interactions between biomolecules, bilayer planar biofilms of phospholipids and fatty

acids, and the fine structure of DNA, and so on.

With nanotechnology, self-assembly methods can also be used to put parts or components inside cells

to make up new materials. New

drugs, even when finely powdered with micron particles, are about half

number insoluble in water; however, if the particles are at the nanometer scale (i.e., ultramicro

particles), they can be dissolved in water.

(4) Nanoelectronics includes

nano-electronic devices based on quantum effects, the optical/electrical properties of nanostructures, the characterization of nano-

meter electronic materials, and atomic manipulation and atomic

assembly. Current trends in electronics require devices and

systems to be smaller, faster, and cooler. "Faster" means faster response

degrees. "Cooler" means that individual devices consume less power.

But "smaller" is not without limits.

3 nanotechnology in the mechanical industry

3.1 nanotechnology in the field of micro-mechanics

With the continuous broadening of the application of nanotechnology,

micro-mechanical development in the world is booming. For example, micro gears, motors, sensors and control circuits

required for medical machinery and automatic pipeline inspection devices

into the human body. The

technological routes for manufacturing these nano-products with specific functions can be divided into two types: one is to continuously miniaturize the products through microfabrication and

solid-state technology; the other is to take proto

subjects and molecules as the basic units, which are designed and assembled according to people's wishes

so as to construct

products with specific functions.

3.1.1 Manufacturing nanomachines by microfabrication technology

(1) Microfabrication. Japan's Fanuc company developed

capable of turning, milling, grinding and EDM multi-functional micro

type precision machining lathe (FANUCROBO nano Ui

type), can realize 5-axis control, the minimum setting

unit of the numerical control system is 1nm (10-3μm). The machine features encoder

semi-closed-loop control, and there is also laser holographic linear traverse for

full closed-loop control. The encoder is directly coupled to the motor and has a resolution of

64 million pulses per week, with each pulse equivalent to a

coordinate axis movement of 0.2 nm, and the encoder feedback unit is 1/

3 nm, so tracking error is within ±1/3 nm. The linear resolution

is 1 nm, and the tracking error is within ±3 nm.CNC

The device adopts FANUC-16i to realize AInano contour control

. And microfabrication was realized by using a FANUCSERVOMOTOR αi servo-electric

machine fitted with a high-resolution inspection device and an αi series servo


(2) Micro-robots. In the field of industrial manufacturing, micro

robots can be adapted to precision microfine operations, especially in the

manufacturing of electronic components. Researchers at the U.S.-based Meitech Corporation

recently designed a micro-robot for assembling nano-fabrication

manufacturing systems, which is

approximately 5mm in length.

Assuming that nano

manufacturing techniques can be utilized to make the robot shrinking in size, the researchers say that

its final volume will be no larger than a particle of dust

. . Japan's

Mitsubishi Corp. has also developed a micro-industrial robot,

which employs a five-segment closed linkage mechanism to realize

a lightweight and highly rigid arm, whose speed of movement and

precision can catch up with that of specialized robots. The time required for picking up 25 mm in the up and down

direction and 100 mm in the horizontal direction has been reduced to 0.28 s. In addition, by adopting a closed link mechanism and a highly rigid gearhead, the robot has achieved a positional repeatability of 10% (±5 nm) higher than that of conventional robots, making it suitable for precision microfabrication and microtooling. operation.

China has also made promising achievements in the development of micro-robots

. According to media reports, the robot developed by Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) has reached the nanometer level of precision, and can be applied to molecular biology gene manipulation, which is

enough to perform "surgery" on cells and chromosomes, as well as in the field of micro

electronics, precision machining, and other areas that require high precision.

Able to "operate" on cells and chromosomes, and to perform in areas where precision is required, such as microelectronics and precision machining.

(3) micro-motor. Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Kase University has established a nanoscale micro-motor

laboratory, specializing in nanotechnology and its ultra-micro electro-mechanical systems. The University of California, Berkeley, has developed

miniature electric motors so small that they can only be

visible under a microscope. German car-parts maker Dr. Ing. h.c. Fahrzeug is

developing nanotechnology sensors that will give

people precise information about the movement of every part in a car in three-dimensional space

. The miniature sensors would automatically release airbags when they detect

a sudden drop in speed.

3.1.2 Fabrication of nanomachines using self-assembly technology

(1) Biological devices. A biomolecular device made

based on molecular self-assembly is an electronic device that completely abandons the silicon semi-

conductor as its basis. A protein will be selected

as a biochip, the use of proteins can be made into a variety of biological

molecular devices, such as switching devices, logic circuits, memories,

sensors, and protein integrated circuits. The United States of America, Michigan

genworth university school of medicine biomolecular information group, the use of

bacterial retinal (BR protein) and light-emitting

dye molecules to develop a protein molecule with electronic function

integrated membrane, which is a molecule around the potential field to get

to the control of a new type of logic components. Syracuse University

is also using BR proteins to develop central networks and associative storage devices that mimic the associative energy of the human brain


(2) Nanomolecular motors. Researchers at IBM's

Zurich Laboratory in Switzerland and the University of Basel have found that DNA can be used to bend

silicon atoms no more than

and one-fiftieth the diameter of a hairline into

"cantilevers". Bent at the top and bottom, with a single strand of DNA

stuck to the tip, the DNA naturally forms a double helix structure, and when the double strands are separated

they try to reassemble themselves. When the researchers placed the

"cantilever" with the single-stranded DNA strand in a solution containing its

corresponding single-stranded DNA strand, the two strands

automatically paired up and joined together, with the small "cantilever" being cantilever. The small "cantilevers" begin to bend in response to this

force. The researchers used this

biomechanical technique to create miniature

capsules (nanomolecular motors) with nanoscale valves. By controlling the opening and closing of the valves by controlling this drive

motive force, precise doses of

drugs can be delivered to the needed parts of the body for therapeutic


3.2 Application of nanotechnology in the field of packaging machinery

The use of nano-materials technology for packaging machine key zero parts

parts (e.g. bearings, gears, springs, etc.) of the metal surface nano

meter powder coating treatment can improve the wear resistance, hardness

degree and life expectancy of the equipment.

Carbon nanotubes also have high mechanical strength and high

thermal conductivity. With very large length-to-direct

diameter ratios, parts of any complex shape can be made, making them ideal reinforcing fibers for

composite materials. Currently, gears, ceramic bearings, nano

ceramic mosquito rollers, electro-engraving rollers and other printing and packaging machinery parts made of low-priced

cheap nano plastics have

entered the enterprise and begun to replace metal materials. Modern offset printing machine

applied on a lot of sensors. Such as the control of the Fidelity stack of paper

automatic lifting, air pump air supply time detection, combined pressure time detection

measurement, empty sheet detection, ink volume control, and so on.

Nano-ceramics with good wear resistance, high

strength and toughness can be used in the manufacture of cutting tools, packaging

and food machinery sealing rings, bearings, etc. to improve its

wear resistance and corrosion resistance, but also for the production of conveying machinery and

Boiling drying bed of the critical components of the surface coating.

3.3 Application of nanotechnology in the field of food machinery

Nanometer SiC, Si


N4 in a wide range of wavelengths

strong absorption of infrared radiation, can be used as infrared

absorbent and transmissive materials, made of functional films or fibers.



N4 amorphous blocks have selective absorption from yellow light to near-infrared light

, can also be used for special window materials, with



made of optical fibers of wavelengths of more than 600 nm

Transmission loss is less than 10 dB / km.

The micron-thick multilayer interference

film made of nano-SiO


and nano-TiO

has good light transmission and strong infrared reflection, which saves 15 percent of electricity compared with traditional

halogen lamps.

The study proved that the 30-40 nm TiO



dispersed into the resin made of thin film, become the 400 nm wavelength

below the light has a strong ability to absorb ultraviolet ray absorbing material

materials can be used as the best raw materials for food sterilization bags and preservation bags.

Nano SiO


Photocatalytic degradation of organic matter water treatment

technology, no secondary pollution, high degree of cleanliness, the advantages are: ①

has a large specific surface area, can be the maximum limit of organic matter

degree of adsorption on the surface of the ② has a stronger UV

absorption, and thus has a stronger photocatalytic degradation. Stronger photocatalytic degradation

power, can be quickly adsorbed on the surface of the organic decomposition

off. This provides

strong technical support for food companies with large wastewater treatment volumes.

Mesoporous solids and mesoporous composites are the more attractive research objects in the field of nano

materials science in recent years, due to

the higher porosity (pore size of 2~

50 nm) and high specific surface of such materials, and thus have good prospects for application in adsorption, filtration

and catalysis. For pure

water, soft drinks and other membrane filtration and sterilization equipment provides

a broad space for development.

Rubber and plastic is packaging and food machinery applications

More raw materials. However, rubber is usually made by adding carbon black

to improve its strength, abrasion resistance and aging resistance, and the products are

black, which is not suitable for use in food machinery. The introduction of nanomaterials

has solved this problem. The new nano-modified

rubber indicators have been greatly improved, especially the anti-aging

properties increased by 3 times, the service life of up to 30 years

up, and colorful, excellent color preservation effect. Ordinary plastics

large output, wide range of applications, low prices, but performance inferior to engineering

plastics, while engineering plastics, although superior performance, but high prices,

limiting its wide range of applications in the packaging and food machinery

Use. With nanomaterials on the ordinary plastic polypropylene to modify

sex, to achieve the performance indicators of engineering plastics nylon-6, and

process performance, low cost, can be adopted in large quantities.

4 nanotechnology in the mechanical industry


(1) mechanical and automotive industry, such as the slip with the original: shaft

bearer, slide on the application of nano-ceramic coating can produce a superb

friction interface, greatly reducing wear and tear and can improve the load.

(2) Low-viscosity applications for plastic runners, such as T-molds, wire drawing molds, sleeves, and hot glue lanes, can effectively reduce the chance of carbonization of the material


(3) Sticky molds, short sealing

shots, mirror haze and drag marks that occur during injection molding have been revolutionized,

especially dry lubrication on slides and ejector pins, which is unmatched by any metal.

(4) IC package adhesive, rubber and foamed plastic have very high adhesion, so they have to use a lot of mold releasing agent to help release the mold, and nanoceramics can reduce the use of releasing agent and the time to clean the mold due to the lotus leaf effect.

(5) The nanoceramics can be used in a wide range of applications, such as in the production of plastic, rubber, and foam.

(5) The low-friction and low-sticky characteristics of nanoceramics make

the fluidity of the plastic in the mold greatly improved, especially

high-precision molds, such as thin light panels, plastic lenses, automotive poly

light lampshades and other molds after the application of the defective rate of the product are

have obvious improvement.

5 Conclusion

In summary, nanotechnology is more than a decade in the progressive development of a cutting-edge and comprehensive cross

new disciplines, is a combination of modern science and modern technology

products of its rapid development will lead to the 21st century, a new revolution in the industry

industry. A study by the U.S. business communications company said that in the next

five years, carbon black

fillers used in the production of rubber products and inks will continue to top the list of demand for nanomaterials. This

next few years, the global demand for nanomaterials will be 2.7% annual

growth rate of growth to 2010 will reach 10.3 million

t, so nano-packaging has a greater potential for market development

power. In the past, China's machinery packaging industry, some of the advanced equipment

preparation, advanced technology, mostly rely on imports. The emergence of nanotechnology

will bring new development opportunities for the technological innovation of China's machinery packaging industry

new. It is believed that in the near future,

nanotechnology will be widely used in various fields of the machinery industry

and the changes it brings to the machinery industry will be enormous.


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