Refrigerated box manufacturers

Polymers rotomolding refrigerator box customization

The main features of rotomolding process are:

-Rotomolding mold cost is low - the same size of the product, rotomolding mold cost is about 1/3 to 1/4 of the cost of blow molding, plastic injection molding cost, suitable for molding large-scale plastic products;

-Rotomolding products with good strength of the edge - Rotomolding can realize the thickness of the edge of the product is more than 5 millimeters, completely solve the problem of thin edge of the hollow products;

-Rotomolding can be placed in a variety of inlays;

-Rotomolding products can be very complex shapes, and the thickness of the product can be more than 5 millimeters;

-Rotomolding can be produced in fully enclosed products;

-Robo-molding products can be filled with foam to achieve thermal insulation;

-No need to adjust the mold, and the wall thickness of the roto-molded products can be freely adjusted (more than 2mm).