When will the 2007 conscription in Lushan District, Jiujiang City start .

Lushan District, Jiujiang City, the 2007 conscription physical examination standards are:

1. Surgery

(1) length, weight below the following standards are not qualified:

①Male: 162 centimeters in length, body weight of 50 kilograms.

②Female: length 158 centimeters, weight 45 kg.

(2) Skull defect, fracture, obvious depression, intracranial foreign body retention, post-traumatic brain injury syndrome, fail.

(3) Failure of cervical ankylosis, strabismus, third-degree simple goiter, and tuberculous lymphadenitis.

(4) Diseases or injuries of bones, joints, bursae, tendon sheaths and their sequelae, habitual dislocations, chronic diseases of the spine, chronic lumbar and leg pain, fail.

Mild thoracic deformity, simple fracture, well-displaced after healing, no dysfunction, no sequelae, pass.

(5) Unequal length of the two lower limbs of more than 1 centimeter, the distance between the inner condyles of the femur in knee inversion and the inner ankle of the tibia in knee outversion is more than 6 centimeters, or gait abnormality, fail.

(6) Functional disfigurement or deformity of the fingers or toes, flat feet, corns, calluses, or severe chafing affecting long-distance walking are not qualified.

(7) Benign tumors and scarring affecting function, fail.

(8) Vasculitis, aneurysm, severe varicose veins of the lower limbs, severe varicose veins of the spermatic cord (moderate varicose veins of the lower limbs and spermatic cord of the command trainees), failing

(9) history of major thoracic or abdominal organ surgery, or non-major organ surgery with major organ injury or other sequelae, hernia of all kinds, prolapse of the anus, anal fistula, annular hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids and old hemorrhoids with frequent inflammation and bleeding. Old anal fissure with frequent inflammation and bleeding are disqualified. More than three months after appendicitis surgery and more than six months after hernia repair surgery without sequelae, qualified.

(10) Inflammatory diseases, tuberculosis, stones, tumors and other diseases or injuries of the genitourinary system and their sequelae, deformities or underdevelopment of the reproductive organs affecting their functions, cryptorchidism, shall be disqualified.

Mild non-traffic spermatic cord syringomyelia (less than 1/2 of the testis on the healthy side), testicular syringomyelia (less than 1/2 of the testis on the healthy side) without conscious symptoms, spermatic cord, paratesticular nodules without pressure and pain and without conscious symptoms, pass.

Traffic syringomyelia, more than six months after cryptorchid surgery, without sequelae, qualified.

(11) Armpit odor, tinea capitis, extensive ringworm, severe ringworm of the hands, feet and nails, scabies, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, chronic eczema, chronic measles, neurodermatitis, a history of close contact with infectious leprosy patients (*** living with them), and other infectious or incurable skin diseases, are not qualified.

Vitiligo, scarring, nevus, hyperpigmentation, hemangioma, etc., which are large in size or affect military appearance, are not qualified.

The following conditions are qualified:

① Ringworm, lichen planus, acne vulgaris, and frostbite.

② Mild armpit odor (limited to landed cadets).

③Limited neurodermatitis (diameter not more than 3 cm), isolated scattered vitiligo (limited to non-exposed parts of summer clothing).

(12) Syphilis, gonorrhea, soft chancre and venereal lymphogranuloma, nongonococcal urethritis, condyloma acuminatum, AIDS and its carriers are not eligible.

2. Internal medicine

(13) Blood pressure exceeding the following ranges is not acceptable.

Systolic blood pressure: 12.8-18.7 kPa (96-140 mmHg);

Diastolic blood pressure: 8.0-11.5 kPa (60-86 mmHg).

(14) Rheumatism, heart disease, vascular disease, failure.

Systolic murmur of the heart, each valve auscultation are not more than two; arrhythmia, by electrocardiogram or other special examination, confirmed to be physiological, qualified.

Heart rate: between 60 and 100 beats per minute, or between 50 and 60 beats per minute; cardiac function test, confirmed to be physiological, qualified.

(15) Chronic bronchitis, bronchodilatation, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy and other chronic diseases of the respiratory system, pass.

The following conditions are qualified:

①Isolated scattered calcified spots, not more than 3 on both sides of the lung field, not more than 4 on both sides of the hilum, or not more than 5 on both the lung field and hilum at the same time, the diameter of any one of the calcified spots is not more than 0.5 centimeters, with a high density, clear margins, and no infiltration in the surrounding area.

②The hilar shadows are mildly enlarged, or the lung texture is mildly enhanced, there is no history of respiratory disease, and there are no conscious symptoms.

3) Mild blunting of the angle of one side of the costal septum, no history of cardiac, pulmonary, or thoracic disease, and no conscious symptoms.

(16) Chronic gastric, bile duct, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and pancreatic diseases, chronic bacillary dysentery, chronic enteritis, and visceral prolapse are not eligible.

The following conditions are qualified:

1) supine position, calm breathing, in the right mid-clavicular line of the liver not more than 1 cm below the rib margin (not more than 2 cm below the xiphoid process), soft texture, thin edges, smooth, no pressure, no anemia, good nutritional status.

2 2007 conscription physical examination new requirements

② five years ago suffered from viral hepatitis A, cured without recurrence, no symptoms and signs of the person.

③Previously suffered from malaria, schistosomiasis or black fever caused by an enlarged spleen, not more than 1 cm below the left rib, no conscious symptoms , no anemia, good nutritional status.

④ Liver and spleen are palpable at the same time, in line with two of the above ① ③, the land cadet is qualified.

⑤ Bacterial dysentery cured for more than one year.

(17) Liver function and Hepatitis B surface antigen test, with one of the following conditions is not qualified.

①A glutamine transaminase Lysimide method of 40 units or more.

② alanine aminotransferase Rai more than 25 units, and accompanied by a positive muscimol turbidity test, or one of the other liver function test abnormalities.

③Hepatitis B surface antigen is positive.

(18) Urinary, blood and hematopoietic system, endocrine and metabolic system, connective tissue diseases, failed.

(19) Hookworm disease (with anemia), chronic malaria, schistosomiasis, black fever, amoebic dysentery, filariasis, fail.

Filariasis cured for more than half a year, malaria, black fever, schistosomiasis, amoebic malaria, leptospirosis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever cured for more than two years, without sequelae, in good general condition, and able to bear heavy physical labor, qualified.

(20) A history of epilepsy, psychosis, sleepwalking, fainting, neurosis, hysteria, enuresis, is not qualified.

No enuresis after the age of thirteen weeks, no other psychological disorders, qualified.

(21) Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system and their sequelae, fail.

(22) Stuttering that interferes with normal expression, fail.


(23)Hearing, less than 5 meters on each side of the ear, fail.

(24)Obvious auricular deformity, recurrent inflamed preauricular fistula, eczema of the auricle and external auditory canal, severe otomycosis (affecting the tympanic membrane or frequent self-conscious symptoms such as tinnitus and hard of hearing), fail.

Mild otomycosis, surface ship and submarine cadets fail.

(25) Perforated tympanic membrane, suppurative otitis media, mastoiditis and other incurable ear diseases, fail.

Intrusive tympanic membrane, tympanic membrane adhesion, atrophy, scarring, lime deposits, land and surface ships, tank cadets qualified.

The tympanic membrane is mildly invaginated, the tympanic membrane adhesion, atrophy, scarring or lime deposits do not exceed one-third of the tympanic membrane, the ear air pressure function and tympanic membrane activity is good, submarine cadets qualified.

(26) Vertigo disease, severe motion sickness, seasickness, airsickness, fail.

(27) Chronic paranasal sinusitis. Severe hypertrophic rhinitis, nasal polyps and other incurable chronic nasal diseases, nasal deformities fail.

Hypertrophy of the middle turbinate that does not affect the drainage of the paranasal sinuses, a small amount of mucopurulent secretion from the middle nasal passages without self-conscious symptoms, mild atrophic or hypertrophic rhinitis, Luqin and Tank trainees are qualified.

Heavy curvature of the nasal septum (including spines and ridges), fail.

Sense of smell: dull, chemical defense officers fail, the rest of all categories of cadets pass.

(28) Chronic tonsillitis with complications; pharyngeal and laryngeal diseases affecting the function of swallowing and phonation, fail.

4. Ophthalmology

(29) Visual acuity: no less than 4.9 (0.8) distance vision in each eye,,

distance vision in each eye at 4.8 (0.6) or more; or one eye at 4.7 (0.5) or more, and the other eye at ?4.9 (0.8)? or more; or each eye has a visual acuity of 4.6 (0.4) or more, and the corrected visual acuity is 4.9 (0.8) or more in each eye

(30) Red-green color weakness or color blindness, failing the test.

(31) Diseases of the eyelid, lid margin, conjunctiva, or lacrimal apparatus affecting the function of the eye, failing the examination.

Non-progressive pterygium, Cadet Luqin passes.

(32) Proptosis, nystagmus, ocular muscle disease, dominant strabismus, fail. Occult strabismus over 15°, fail.

(33) Diseases of the cornea, sclera, or iris-ciliary body, or pupil distortion or dyskinesia, fail.

(34) Glaucoma, clouding of the lens and vitreous, disease of the choroid, retina, or optic nerve, fail.

Congenital few scattered small cloudy spots in the lens that do not affect vision, pass.

5. Stomatology

(35) Third-degree dental caries, more than two missing teeth juxtaposed together, more than three missing teeth not juxtaposed together, severe periodontal disease, temporomandibular joint disorders, frequent episodes of oral ulcers, cleft lip, cleft palate, and oral diseases affecting the function of mastication, fail.

(36) Moderate or more fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia, missing incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, overjaw more than 0.5 centimeter, open jaw more than 0.3 centimeter, overjaw more than two thirds, antimandibularity, malocclusion, cuspally rounded arches, severe gingival class, mild periodontal disease, and submarine trainees fail the course.

Obstetrics and Gynecology

(37) Functional uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, severe dysmenorrhea, vaginitis, severe cervicitis, uterine prolapse, fail.

(38) All stages of pregnancy, failure.


(1) The words "above" and "within" used in the text of this standard include the number itself; the words "beyond" and "more than" used in the text of this standard include the number itself; the words "more than" and "more than" used in the text of this standard include the number itself. "over", "under", "less than", "more than", do not include the number itself.

(2) Standard weight (kg) = height (cm) - 110.

(3) Test requirements:

Urine routine, liver function, hepatitis B surface antigen, AIDS.

(4) When the test results of different methods of hepatitis B surface antigen are inconsistent, the enzyme labeling method shall prevail.

Jiujiang Lushan District Armed Forces Department Tel 0792-8251898

Address: Shili Avenue, No. 149

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