In our country, the history of flower arrangement has a long history, the development so far, has been indispensable for people's daily life. A successful flower arrangement does not necessarily require the use of expensive flower materials and high-priced flower containers. Generally seems to be inconspicuous green leaves, a bud, and even the roadside wildflowers and weeds common fruits and vegetables, can be inserted into a pleasing to the eyes of the excellent works. So that the viewer in the mind of the loss of **** Ming, is the only purpose of the creator. If you can not produce * * * chirping then the work has lost its ornamental value. Specifically, that is, flower arrangement works in the visual first to immediately cause a sense of perception and emotional natural reaction.
Achievements of the flower arrangement industry
China's flower arrangement business after the reform and opening up, after nearly 30 years of development, through the national and provincial level organized by various types of flower expositions, flower arrangement and floral art competitions, flower arrangement art exchange exhibitions and other floral activities, and has made gratifying achievements. Mainly in:
First, it has promoted the rapid improvement of the level of flower arrangement and floral art. After nearly 30 years of efforts, China's overall level of flower arrangement has improved significantly, greatly shortening the distance from the international level, some works are close to the world level. From the last decade or so, China held a flower arrangement competition and high visibility and influence of the "rhyme of flowers" Shanghai International Flower Arrangement Art Exchange Exhibition works, enough to illustrate this point, but also to impress foreign counterparts.
The second is the publication of a large number of books on flower arrangement. In a short span of more than ten years, more than a hundred kinds of academic monographs, recreation and entertainment, popular science and other categories of flower arrangement books and CD-ROMs of floral art demonstrations by famous masters were published, and the teaching materials for flower arrangement classes in universities, colleges and vocational schools, as well as the training materials for professional qualification of flower arrangers, were also released one after another.
Thirdly, flower arrangement and floral art schools (centers) have been established one after another. According to incomplete statistics, there are dozens of flower arrangement schools (centers) in China, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong and other places in the forefront of the country. The team with the professional qualification certificates of senior flower arranger and technician and the teacher's qualification certificate of senior flower arranger is expanding, and the training of flower arrangement assessor is also being carried out all over the country.
Fourthly, it has created a new situation for the cause of Chinese flower arrangement and floral art. Through the competition, we have improved our level, broadened our horizons, seen the gaps and accumulated experience. We have successfully organized many national or international flower arrangement competitions, and the works created by the contestants have won awards in the international arena, witnessing our strength, ability and level, and laying a solid foundation for creating a new situation for China's flower arrangement and floral art career.
Problems and solutions to the flower arrangement industry
At the same time as the achievements, we are also sober to see the existing problems, problems arising from a variety of reasons, both subjective and objective. Mainly in: popularization of publicity and teaching relatively lagging behind; attention to care for the support is not strong; not enough attention to the construction of human resources; the role of organizations and institutions to play a small role; the prevalence of architectural style, the relative shrinkage of traditional flower arrangement. Therefore, the promotion and popularization of traditional Chinese flower arrangement is a systematic project involving education, publicity, guidance, production, consumption and other aspects of the current situation in China, it is a long process, through the various departments at all levels of mutual cooperation, **** with efforts. From the point of view of love and responsibility for the cause of flower arrangement and floriculture, we have to formulate a decision to solve the problem, from the management point of view, the choice of the whole process of decision-making, we have to choose the cause of the problem, for the cause of the selection of the goal, for the goal of the selection of the way, for the way of the selection of the countermeasures, only in this way can we come up with practical solutions to solve the problems that exist.
In foreign countries, especially in Europe and the United States, flower arrangement has formed an industry, life flower arrangement has penetrated into the lives of ordinary people. In recent years, China's florist industry flower arrangement skills have improved significantly, flower arrangement techniques are becoming more skilled, the use of color and collocation and gradually reasonable; some florists began to pay attention to the improvement of the artistic taste of flower arrangement works. This shows that China's ceremonial flower arrangement has entered the stage of vigorous development from the recovery stage. The current situation is encouraging, and the prospect is even more encouraging. With the improvement of the living standard of the public, flower arrangement consumption has begun to heat up, proficient in flower modeling florist is more and more popular. In the country, although the flower industry has a long way to go, but with the flower art for more and more people, especially young people to accept, flower arranger this career development is also optimistic.
What are the problems in the development of remote sensing?There are still a lot of problems in remote sensing, and the biggest problem, or direction, is how to solve the problem of "different spectra of the same object" and "different objects with the same spectrum", which is the difficulty of remote sensing classification and object recognition.
Prospects for the development of the art of flower arrangingFlower arranger this career can be, a lot of people choose to open their own store, then of course, you have to go to learn the basics of floriculture and flower arranging skills ah, Wuhan's floriculture market is slowly bigger and stronger, to be a good florist you need to have professional floriculture skills and a wealth of experience. Zoran floristry has its own set of methods in cultivating floristry talents, which are very good and practical, and they have quite a lot of different courses at different levels and different class hours, which are fine-tuned to the different learning needs of the people, so that everyone who goes to them can learn the most useful floristry skills
How is the development prospect of php?At present, it's okay, now the mainstream website, most of the use of PHP, but there are some changed to use asp. As long as you learn well, no matter what language, are the same can get a good deal.
Android's development prospects
android cell phone system is still a very good prospect:
With the popularity of android cell phones, android application demand is bound to become more and more large, this is a huge potential market, will attract countless software development vendors and developers to devote themselves to them.
The main features of android are:
1, openness
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3, the application is built under flat conditions
4, the application can be easily embedded in the network
5, the application can be executed in parallel
Compared with the iPhone
From a technical point of view, android is similar to the iPhone, using the WebKit browser engine, with a touch screen, high-level graphic display and Internet access, users are able to check e-mail, search for Web sites and watch video programs on their cell phones, etc. android cell phones emphasize more on searching than other cell phones, such as the iPhone, the interface is more powerful, can be said to be a kind of integration of all the functions. It can be said that android is a platform that incorporates all web applications. there are many versions of android, with the updating of the versions, from the initial touch screen to the current multi-touch, from the common contact to the current data synchronization, from the simple Google Map to the current navigation system, from the basic web browsing to the current HTML 5, which shows that android has been stabilized and has become more and more powerful. This shows that android has gradually stabilized and become more and more powerful. In addition, android not only supports Java, C, C++ and other mainstream programming languages, but also supports Ruby, Rython and other scripting languages, and even Google launched simple language specifically for android application development, which makes android has a very wide range of development groups.
iPhone is not an open source system, while android is open source
What is the future of SCAI?
Currently, the commonly used clinical definition of myocardial infarction related to coronary artery revascularization is mainly the 2012 revised global universal definition of myocardial infarction, in which Type 4 and Type 5 define percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)-related myocardial infarction and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)-related myocardial infarction, respectively. However, the committee that wrote the global definition of myocardial infarction also stated that the clinical prognostic relevance of revascularization-associated myocardial infarction diagnosed using this definition needs to be validated. Against this background, in October 2013 JACC published the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) definition of coronary revascularization-associated myocardial infarction (hereinafter referred to as the new definition), which is based on a large body of scientific evidence and has excellent prognostic implications. The new definition is primarily concerned with the definition of myocardial infarction after PCI, but also with myocardial infarction after CABG; the recommendations in the text are based on contemporary large-scale clinical studies. The pathophysiologic mechanisms of myocardial infarction associated with hemodialysis are complex.
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The pathophysiologic mechanisms of myocardial infarction associated with hemodialysis are
The definitions of myocardial infarction after PCI are different, and so are the mechanisms and risk factors. and risk factors are also different. Many studies have found that large atherosclerotic plaque load, massive thrombus load, degree of coronary artery calcification, and plaque eccentricity are associated with elevated markers of myocardial injury after PCI by angiography and intravascular ultrasound.The relationship between elevated biomarkers and mortality after PCI is likely to be superficial. The relationship between elevated markers and mortality can be explained by the extent and complexity of the atherosclerotic lesion, not by the biomarkers themselves. Therefore, to determine whether elevated biomarkers per se are an independent risk factor for increased mortality after PCI, a multifactorial analysis that includes clinical presentation as well as angiographic changes is essential. Reprints
Importance of elevated cardiac markers prior to hemodialysis
Recent studies on perioperative cardiac troponin (cTn) elevation in PCI have demonstrated that only periprocedural cTn elevation was associated with PCI mortality Correlation. A Mayo Medical Center study enrolling 5,487 patients with a median follow-up of 28 months showed that increased preoperative PCI cTnT was an independent risk factor for increased mortality, whereas PCI-associated myocardial necrosis was not an independent risk factor for death, regardless of whether this myocardial necrosis was defined as a 3-fold increase in cTn or creatine kinase myocardial isoenzyme (CK-MB). Another study, which included 2,382 patients, 6% of whom had higher-than-normal cTn levels, found that higher-than-normal preoperative cTn levels were an independent risk predictor of in-hospital death or myocardial infarction in elective PCI. Thus, elevated biomarkers after PCI may be misinterpreted if baseline levels are not considered. The correct diagnosis of PCI-associated myocardial infarction is challenging when baseline levels of markers of myocardial injury are elevated. Reprints
Comparison of the value of evaluating elevated cTn versus CK-MB after hemodialysis
cTn has higher sensitivity and specificity relative to CK-MB with respect to cardiomyocyte necrosis. Currently, there are more studies on the correlation between elevated CK-MB and adverse events after PCI than on cTn. Moreover, the higher sensitivity of cTn substantially increases the detection rate of PCI-related myocardial infarction. In a study of 4930 patients undergoing elective PCI, a 3-fold elevation of CK-MB as a diagnostic criterion detected a 7.2% incidence of myocardial infarction, whereas a 3-fold elevation of cTn as a criterion had a 24.3% detection rate. Of 7147 PCI patients at the Washington Medical Center, 37.3% had greater than normal postoperative CK-MB, but only Q-wave myocardial infarction or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction with a peak CK-MB greater than 8 times normal resulted in a trend toward increased 2-year mortality. Of 3478 PCI patients at the Cleveland Medical Center, 24% would have higher-than-normal CK-MB after PCI, and only increases greater than 10-fold were associated with increased 1-year mortality.
365 Medicine
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Cardiac magnetic **** vibration (CMR) is increasingly being used to assess the extent of myocardial necrosis, and CMR and cTn elevation do not match well in reflecting myocardial injury.Lim et al. found by late gadolinium-enhanced imaging that sensitivity if a 3-fold increase in cTnI was used to define PCI-related myocardial infarction, The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of a 3-fold increase in cTnI were 100%, 22%, and 19%, respectively, whereas the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of a 3-fold increase in CK-MB were 60%, 93%, and 60%, respectively. cTn may be overly sensitive, identifying small myocardial injuries that are undetectable by many CMRs, and whose prognostic significance has not been reported. The authors of this study also reported that if the threshold for diagnosing PCI-related myocardial infarction with cTn is increased to 40 times the 99th percentile value, the specificity can be increased to 93% without decreasing the sensitivity. Reprints
Recommended Definition of Myocardial Infarction After Coronary Artery Revascularization
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In patients with normal baseline levels of markers of myocardial injury, PCI-associated myocardial infarction events are not well recognized using the current global definition. Most contemporary studies support a better correlation between CK-MB greater than 10 times the upper limit of normal and clinical events.
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Accurate diagnosis of PCI-associated myocardial infarction in patients with elevated baseline markers of myocardial injury is very difficult and often depends on peak levels of markers of myocardial injury, which requires documentation of a series of markers of myocardial injury assay values. Typically, interventional tests and treatments are often performed when one marker is elevated or when a series of markers are on an elevated trend, in which case the diagnosis of PCI-related myocardial infarction is unlikely to be accomplished by changes in myocardial injury markers alone.
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This ****nowledge gives specific recommendations for the diagnosis of each of the two main categories of patients mentioned above, greatly increasing the diagnostic thresholds for CK-MB or cTn, as described in the original article of ****nowledge.
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In comparison with the 2007 global definition of myocardial infarction for CABG-associated myocardial infarction, 42% to 82% of patients with CABG have an elevation of more than 5-fold of the upper limit of normal, whereas only 4% to 7% of these patients have electrocardiographic evidence of a diagnosis of CABG-associated myocardial infarction. Most studies assessing the prognostic significance of CABG have used CK-MB, and cTn may be too sensitive in this setting.
The rationale for the choice of cTn in the 2012 global definition of myocardial infarction
10-fold increase in definition of CABG-associated myocardial infarction, as well as 5-fold increase in definition of PCI-associated myocardial infarction, has not been well established. For CABG-related myocardial infarction, CK-MB is a better biomarker, and if cTn must be used, it may be more reasonable to set the threshold at 70-fold increase. Therefore, for the recommendations on the types of markers and thresholds for diagnosis of PCI and CABG-related myocardial infarction, the new definition suggests that they can be harmonized. Reference should also be made to post-CABG electrocardiograms, hemodynamic indices, and new ventricular wall motion abnormalities to increase diagnostic specificity. Reprints
Limitations and Future Directions
The existing recommended definition of hemotransfusion-related myocardial infarction, although not yet perfect, is still based on the best scientific evidence available. More information is needed, especially comparing the specificity of cTn versus CK-MB for myocardial necrosis. Further studies should focus on what cTn threshold should be set to better determine PCI and CABG prognosis, and need to understand whether cTnI and cTnT are very different.
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The biggest obstacle to interpreting the available data is the lack of patient-level, vessel-level, and lesion-level characterization in the existing studies, which makes it difficult to determine whether an increase in post-PCI markers can be attributed to an adverse event or simply means that the patient is at high risk. Future studies should consider the impact of plaque load, vascular anatomy, and interventional complexity on PCI-related myocardial infarction. Until the diagnostic and prognostic issues surrounding myocardial infarction after myocardial revascularization are completely resolved, our ability to effectively risk-stratify patients with myocardial infarction associated with myocardial revascularization as well as to appropriately treat them will remain limited, and the methods for evaluating the efficacy of new therapies with regard to their cost-effectiveness ratio will remain imperfect.
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