Seek: University English Self-study Tutorial (上册)课后单元的单词表

A1 n. ability, capable ability

A2 ad. to go abroad; in abroad abroad

A3 a. absolute, complete absolute

A4 a. abstract n. summary, terse vt. extract; excerpt the main points abstract

A5 vt./n. abuse, abuse; abuse, abuse

A6 a. collegiate, learned; academic

A7 n. passage, entrance; approach (or access) access

A8 ad. (forming a preposition with to) in accordance with, according to

A9 n. narration, description; account vi. 说明(原因等) account

A10 n.accuracy(性),精确(性) accuracy

A11 a.准确的,精确的 accurate

A12 vt.完成,实现;达到,得到 achieve

A13 n.完成,达到;成就,成绩 achievement

A14 n. acid, acidic substance a. acid acid

A15 n. action; role (on) action

A16 n. activity, active; action activity

A17 n. actor actor

A18 n. addition, addition; additions addition

A19 a. additional, supplementary; besides additional

A20 a. sufficient, adequate; competent adequate

A21 n. management, operation; administration, administrative organ administration

A22 n. adults a . adult, mature adult

A23 vi. advance, make progress n. advance, progress; advance advance

A24 a. advanced, superior advanced

A25 n. advantage, superiority; benefit advantage

A26 vt. affect, impress affect

A27 n. agent, agent; person or thing that acts agent

A28 a. aggressive, combative; aggressive

A29 a. agricultural

A30 n. airplane airplane

A31 a. alert a.a. the same as

A32 a.the same, like alike

A33 n.something to choose from; choice alternative

A34 n.quantity, amount, total, **** count amount

A35 n. ([compound] analyses) analysis; decomposition analysis

A36 a. ancient, ancient ancient

A37 ad. separation, apart apart

A38 ad. apparently; superficially, seemingly apparently

A39 n. appearance, appearance; appearance

A39 n. appearance, appearance. A39 n.appearance, appearance

A40 n.application, application form; application, implementation application

A81 vt. prohibit, ban n.prohibit; ban

A82 n.a gang, a group; band; band-shaped object; band band

A83 n.barrier; obstruction barrier

A84 a. basic, foundation basic

A85 ad. basically, fundamentally basically

A86 n. foundation, basis; main ingredient; military base basis

A87 n. bay, port, bay

A88 vt. bear

A89 n. beer beer

A90 n. behavior, demeanor; operation, performance behavior

A91 n. believe; belief, faith

A92 n. [often pl.] all things; luggage belonging

A93 prep. beneath

A94 a. beneficial, favorable beneficial

A95 n. benefit, advantage vt. beneficial to vi. benefit benefit

A96 a . biological(on) biological

A97 vt./vi./n. bite, sting, sting bite

A98 n. blast, strong wind; explosion vt. blast, blow up blast

A99 n. blues; slow four-step dance blues

A100 n. edge; border vt./vi. bordering, adjoining; approaching border

A101 a. certain, inevitable; bound, obligatory bound

A102 n. demarcation, boundary boundary

A103 vt. reproduction; breeding n. breed, kind breed

A104 n. bride bride

A105 a.brief; concise make a brief introduction brief

A106 a.wide, broad; extensive broad

A107 n./vt./vi.broadcast, broadcasting broadcast

A108 n.budget budget; Arranging, booking budget

A109 n. (North American) bison; (Asian) buffalo buffalo

A110 n. burden; responsibility, duty vt. to make burdensome; trouble burden

A111 n. calcium

A112 n. camera, photographic machine camera

A113 n.battle; campaign take part in a campaign, to take part in electioneering campaign

A114 n.cancer cancer

A115 n.candidate, alternate; candidate

A116 a. capable, talented; able to . . of (of) capable

A117 n.capacity, volume; capability capacity

A118 vt. capture; seize, occupy n. capture, captures capture

A119 n.carbon carbon

A120 n. career, experience; occupation, career career

A161 n. companion, colleague; [sky] companion star (= ~star) companion

A162 n. company; companion, companion company

A163 n. compass; [pl.] circular compass

A164 n. compensation, indemnity; compensation, compensation fee compensation

A165 vi.competition, race compete

A166 n.competition; competition competition

A167 a.competitive, competition competitive

A168 a.complex, combination n.complex complex

A169 n.(组)成(部)分;部件a.组成的,构成的 component

A170 n.作曲家 composer

A171 n.计算机,电脑 computer

A172 n.专注,专心;集中;浓度;浓度 concentration

A173 n.concept; idea concept

A174, concern; relationship vt.relate; make concerned concern

A175 a.related; concerned, worried concerned

A176 n.conclusion, inference conclusion

A177 a. concrete; concrete n. concrete vt. to make solid concrete

A178 vt. to deal with; to direct; to conduct n. demeanor, behavior conduct

A179 n. trust, confidence

A180 n. argument, the conflict

A181 n.connection, relationship connection

A182 n.preservation; protection conservation

A183 a.preservation, preservation of; conservative, conservative

A184 vt. to consider, to think over; to think vi. to consider, to think over consider

A185 a. worthy of consideration, important; considerable

A186 vi. to compose (of) consist

A187 a. eternal, enduring; frequent n. a constant, a constant quantity constant

A188 ad. frequently; constantly; from time to time constantly

A189 a. constitutionally; composed, constituted constitutional

A190 n. a consumer; customer, user consumer

A191 n. contacting. contact vt. contact with, make contact with contact

A192 vt. contain, contain

A193 n. content, catalog a. satisfaction vt. make satisfaction content

A194 n. competition, contest; contest, competition; contention, debate contest

A195 ad.ceaselessly, frequently continually

A196 a.continued, continuous continued

A197 a.continuous, uninterrupted continuous

A198 n.contract, deed vt./vi. to contract; contract contract

A199, contrast vi.form a contrast

A200 vt./vi.contribute; donate; pitch in; help contribute

A241 a. Delicate; delicate; subtle delicate

A242 vt. deliver, send; publish; deliver

A243 n. democrat, democrat; a member of the Democratic Party democrat

A244 a. democratic, democratic democratic

A245 v. to contribute to; contribute to; contribute to

A245 n. a. to make a contribution to; contribute to; contribute to

A245 n. to make a contribution to; contribute to; contribute to

A245 n. to make a contribution to; contribute to

A245 a. dense, dense, dense dense

A246 n. density, denseness; [object] [chemical] density

A247 n. department, division, faculty department

A248 a. dependent, dependent (on, upon) dependent

A249 n. depth; deep [often pl.]; abstruse, profound depth

A250 vt./vi. design; predetermine, specify n. design; pattern design

A251 prep. despite, at all

A252 vt. destroy, ruin; destroy

A251 prep. destroy

A253 n. detail, particulars vt. detail, particulars detail

A254 n. determination, decision determination

A255 vt. decide; ascertain, ascertain; determination

A256 n. device, apparatus; method, means device

A257 n.diabetes diabetes

A258 n.diameter diameter

A259 that is usually eaten; food that is restricted (for medical reasons, etc.) diet

A260 be different from, to differ from; to differ in opinion from ... Opinions differ

A261 a. digestive

A262 a. finger's, fingered; digital, counted digital

A263 n. dioxide dioxide

A264 n. catastrophe, catastrophe disaster

A265 n.disc; record, disk disc

A266 n.discipline, training; discipline train; to punish discipline

A267 n.confusion; disorder; disorder confuse; to disorganize disorder

A268 n./ display; exhibit; show

A269 n./ display

A280 n./ display

A281 n./vt.

A269 vt./vi. quarrel, argument n. argument, dispute dispute

A270 a. at a distance, far away, distant

A271 a. different from the others, unique; distinct

A272 vt. distinguish, discriminate vi. distinguish

A273 n. district, borough; area, region district

A274 a. different, distinct; diverse

A275 n. diversity diversity

A276 n. separation, division; division; division

A276 n. division, division; division, division, division

A277 division

A277 n./vi.divorce vt. to divorce from..., to make a split divorce

A278 adj. family, domestic; domestic n. domestic servant, servant domestic

A279 a. dominant; dominating dominant

A280 adj. to divide, divide, divide, divide

A280 n. to separate, divide, divide; division

A275 n. to divide; division

A275 n. to divide; division

A280 a.twice ad.doubly n.doubles make double double

A321, engineering; manipulation, management engineering

A322 vt.ensure, guarantee ensure

A323 n.cause, plan; business unit; enterprise

A323 n. cause, program; business unit; career enterprise

A324 n. entertainment, amusement, show of skill; hospitality, entertainment

A325 ad. entirely, completely; entirely

A326 n. entry; entrance, doorway; admission, admission, entrance

A327 n. entry; entrance; register, entry, account entry

A328 n. environment, surroundings, natural environment environment

A329 ad. equally, equally; likewise equally

A330 n. equator equator

A331, device, equipment

A332 a.equal; equivalent n.equivalence; equivalent

A333 n.era, epoch era

A334 n.corrosion, erosion, infringement erosion

A335 n.fallacy; mistake error

A336 vi./vt. to escape; avoid n. to flee; escape route, exit escape

A337 a. necessary, essential n. essence, point essential

A338 vt. to establish, found, set up; to set up, to make confirmed establish

A339 n. establish, found; institution establishment

A340 n. estimate, valuation; evaluation vt. estimate, valuation estimate

A341 n. ethics; ethical outlook, ethical standard ethics

A342 ad. finally, eventually eventually

A343 n.according to, evidence evidence

A344 a.evident, evident

A345 n.evil, sin a.wicked, bad evil

A346 a.exact, correct exact

A347 n.exclusion, exception exception

A348 n.a. a person who is not a member of a group of people who are not members of the same group of people.

A348 n.beyond, exceed; excessive a.excess, overabundance excess

A349 a.excessive, overabundance excessive

A350 vt./, swap; exchange

A351 n.existence; survival, living existence

A352 vt./vi. expand, swell, expand

A353 n. expansion; swell expansion

A354 a. experienced experienced

A355 a. experimental; empirical experimental

A356 n. expert, able a. skilled, insider expert

A357 vt./vi. explore, exploration; explore, probe explore

A358 n. explorer, examiner explorer

A359 n. explosion, outburst explosion

A360 vt. output, exit n.output, output, export export

A401 n.founder; founder founder

A402 n.frame, framework frame

A403 ad.frequently, frequently

A404 n.friction (force); discord, tilt friction

A405 n.frog

A406 ad.completely, wholly, thoroughly; fully

A407 n.function; duty; function run, act function

A408, earmark; reserve, store vt. to provide money fund

A409, earmark; reserve, store vt. to provide money

A407 n.function, duty; function run, function

A408 n. to provide money

A409, earmark; reserve, store vt. to provide money

A409 a.basic, fundamental n.basic principle, fundamentals fundamental

A410 n.soft fur; fur; fur clothing fur

A411 n.furnace, fireplace furnace

A412 ad.and, moreover

A413 n . ...[sky] galaxy, [G-] Milky Way galaxy

A414 n. gas; gas; gasoline gas

A415 n. gathering; gathering

A416 ad. generally, usually, generally

A417 n. generation; generation, occurrence generation

A418 n.giant; giant thing, huge animal a.huge giant

A419 prep.given

A420 a.spherical, spherical; world; universal global

A421 n.aim, goal; score a goal, goal goal

A422 n. proceeding condition a. ongoing; current going

A423 ad. gradually, gradually

A424 v. (make) (university) graduate n. university graduate, graduate

A425 a. (tax) progressive; graded; graduated; graduation of; graduated; graduated

A426 vt. agree; grant n. agree, award; grant

A427 n. serious, earnest; importance; [object] gravity gravity

A428 n. glass-warmed room, greenhouse greenhouse

A429 n. a. the growth, increase; growth, development. Growth, increase; growth, development growth

A430 a. guilty; guilty guilty

A431 n. gulf gulf

A432 n. guy, youth; person guy

A433 n. handle, handle vt. to apply, to manipulate; to operate, to manage handle

A434 n./vt. hurt, damage, harm harm

A435 a. (to) harmful

A436 n. harmonize, concord; harmony, unanimity harmony

A437 a. rough; harsh; harshness, harshness harsh

A438 n. headquarters, command; headquarters, general store headquarters

A439 n. hell, netherworld; used to curse or express anger, dissatisfaction hell

A440 a. Helpful, willing to help; helpful, constructive helpful

A481 n. Teaching, instruction; order, direction, usage instruction

A482 n. instrument; musical instrument instrument

A483 n. insurance; insurance money, insurance premium insurance

A484 a. integral, complete, whole integrated

A485 n.intellectual a.intellectual, sensible intellectual

A486 n.intelligence, comprehension, cleverness; intelligence, news intelligence

A487 a.intense, intense; ardent intense

A488 a.internal, inner; domestic internal

A489 a. international, world international

A490 vt./n. interview, interview; interview, oral interview

A491 n. invasion, invasion invasion

A492 n. invention, creation; invention, fiction invention

A493 n.inventor, creator inventor

A494 n.investment; (of time, energy) put into investment

A495 vt. to involve, make involved (in); implicate; contain, involve

A496 n.involved in. involvement; a matter, complication, involvement

A497 n. issue; issue number vt. issue, promulgate, publish issue

A498 n. article, clause, item

A499 n. ivy

A500 n. jaw, jaw jaw

A499 n. ivy

A499 n. ivy

A500 n. jaw, jaw

A501 n. jaw, jaw

A501 n. jaw, jaw

A501 n. jaw, jaw, jaw, jaw

A501 n. jaw, jaw, jaw, jaw. p>A501 n.jazz jazz

A502 n.jet; nozzle; jet airplane, jet engine jet

A503 n.juice, liquid juice

A504 n.kingdom; realm kingdom

A505 n./vt. lack, insufficiency, absence lack

A506 ad.abundantly; largely

A507 a.lasting, permanent; durable lasting

A508 a.the latter; the latter half, near the end n.the latter latter

A509 launch; to make (a ship) launch n.launch, (a ship) launch launch

A510 n./vt.lack

A510 n./vt.lack

A510 n./vt.lack

A510 n./vt. p>

A510 n.layer, level layer

A511 n.leader, leader leader

A512 n.leader; [general term] leading personnel leadership

A513 a.leading, guiding; most important, main leading

A514 a.having learned, erudite a. learned by training

A515 a. legal; lawful legal

A516 n. legislation; law, regulation legislation

A517 n. free time, leisure; leisure, ease leisure

A518 a. lesser; lesser; secondary lesser

A519 n. freedom, liberty; presumption, indiscretion; franchise, privilege liberty

A520 n. lifetime, lifelong

A561 n. [machine] mechanism, mechanism; process of action mechanism

A562 n. medium.

A562 n.medium, medium

A563 a.intellectual, cerebral; mental

A564 n.merchant merchant

A565 ad.merely

A566 n.method, approach method

A567 vi.

A567 vi. migrate, emigrate; migrate, migrate migrate

A568 a. milky, milky; milky

A569 n. mineral, ore a. mineral

A570 n. minimum amount; minimum limit a. minimum; lowest minimum

A571 a. smaller, fewer, less important; minority minor

A572 n. mixture; mixture

A573 a. moderate, moderate; moderate

A574 n. (=mould) mold; model vt. to make in a mold, to cast mold

A575 a. (of a metal) molten molten

A576 n. monitor; squad leader vt./vi. to watch over, monitor

A577 n. monopoly; monopoly

A578 a. moral

A578 a. ethical, moral n. morality; allegory moral

A579 n.movement; proposal vt./vi. to gesture, signify motion

A580 movie

A581 a. active, moving; moving, moving moving

A582 n.mud, mud mud

A583 a . multifarious; multimedia n. multimedia multimedia

A584 a. diverse, composite n. multiple multiple

A585 a. municipal, municipal municipal

A586 n. muscle; power, strength muscle

A587 a. muscular; powerful muscular

A588 n. musician; composer musician

A589 n. mystery, mysterious thing mystery

A590 a. national ad. in nationwide

A591 a. navigational, navigational navigational

A592 navy

A593 a.nearby the vicinity nearby

A594 ad.inevitably, necessarily

A595 a.negative; negativity, negativity n.negative; negatives negative

A596 n. four neighbors, neighborhood, vicinity neighborhood

A597 n. nerve; courage, boldness nerve

A598 a. nervous system; nervousness nervous

A599 n. nest, nest

A600 n. [spun] mesh fabric; mesh, network

A641 n.oxide

A642 n. (a) step; pace, rhythm vi. pace; with steps pace

A643 v. draw, paint; paint, color n. paint; pigment paint

A644 n. painter; painter painter

A645 n. a painter who works in the field of painting.

A645 n. painting; painting, the art of painting; (upper) paint painting

A646 n. palm palm

A647 n. parallel line; parallel surface a. similar; parallel parallel

A648 n. parliament, congress; [P-] parliament parliament

A649 a. parliamentary, parliamentary

A650 a. biased, eccentric, partial to ...; partial

A651 ad. partially, incompletely partially

A652 n. participation, involvement participation

A653 a. particular; special, special n. details, particular

A654 ad. partly; to a certain extent partly

A655 n. spouse; partner, accomplice, associate partner

A656 n. Passenger, traveler passenger

A657 n. type, pattern, style; pattern, pattern

A658 n. payment, payment; payment of money payment

A659 a. calm, tranquil; peaceful, peaceful manner peaceful

A660 n. mountain peak; summit peak

A661 prep. per, every per

A662 n. percentage, percentage

A663 a. perfect, complete; complete vt. to make perfect, to improve perfect

A664 vt./vi. to do, to fulfill; to perform, show perform

A665 n. to perform; performance, work performance; performance, playing performance

A666 a. longingly, permanently permanently

A667 a. personal, private; personally personal

A668 n. personality; character; character personality

A669 n. all personnel, all staff; personnel personnel

A670 n. perspective, perspective drawing; vision, outlook; perspective, viewpoint

A671 n. pet, pet animal a. favored, expressing intimacy pet

A672 n. (phenomena) phenomenon, sign phenomenon

A673 n. philosopher, philosopher philosopher

A674 n. photography, photographic; photography

A675 n. phrase, word; idiom phrase

A676 a. physical; physical; material, tangible physical

A677 a. pink, peach n. pink, peach pink

A678 n. pipe, conduit; pipe vt. to convey by pipe

A679 n. planet planet

A680 n.plantation, large farm; plantation plantation

A721 a.prolific, productive; productive

A722 n.productivity; bountiful, prolific productivity

A723 a.occupation, profession n.professional professional

A724 n. profit, benefit vt. in favor of vi. benefit profit

A725 n.=programme plan; program; show vt. programmed program

A726 a. progressive, advanced; gradual, progressive

A727 n. design, plan; project vt. scheme, plan; projection project

A728 vt. promote, carry forward; elevate, upgrade; initiate, found

A729 n. promote; elevate promote

A730 n. proof, evidence; proof proof

A731 n. property, asset, possession; nature, character property

A732 n. ratio, proportion vt. to make proportionate, to make proportionate proportion

A733 n. protection, protection

A734 a. to give protection to, to guard against protective

A735 n.protein

A736 vt./vi. protest, oppose protest

A737 conj. if, if provided

A738 n.supplier; provider; breadwinner provider

A739 n. supply, provision; clause, stipulation; sustenance provision

A740 a. psychological

A741 n. psychology; psychological

A742 n. punishment, penalty, penalty; torment, damage punishment

A743 vt. buy, purchase n. purchase, purchased item purchase

A744 n. purple, fuchsia a. purple purple

A745 n. purpose, intention; use

A746 vt. to pursue; to pursue, seek; to carry out, to engage in pursue

A747 n. quality; quality, characteristic quality

A748 n. amount, quantity quantity

A749 n. rabbit rabbit

A750 a. race of racial

A751 n. radar radar

A752 n.radiation, luminous; radiating substance, ray of radiation, radiant energy radiation

A753 a.radical, fundamental; radical

A754 a. [proto]radioactive; radiation-induced radioactive

A755 n.a rainfall rainfall

A756 a./ad. haphazardly, arbitrarily, casually n. aimless random

A757 n. mountain range; amplitude, range vi. change vt. to arrange in rows range

A758 a. rare, hard to come by rare

A759 a. uncooked, raw; raw< /p>

A760 n. ray, ray ray

A801 vt. as ... representative (or agent); representation; manifestation represent

A802 n. depiction, manifestation; representation, agent representation

A803 n. representative, representative person a. Typical, representative representative

A804 vt. reproduce; reproduce; copy; reproduce, reproduce reproduce

A805 a.**** and of the state; **** and of the party n.**** and of the party members republican

A806 vt./n. request, demand request

A807 n. research, investigation vi. investigate, study research

A808 vt. reserve; reservation n. reserve; reserve; sanctuary reserve

A809 n. resistance, defiance; resistance, resistance; resistance

A810 n. Resources, financial resources; strategy, coping resource

A811 ad. individually, separately respectively

A812 vi. answer, reply; respond, have a response(to) respond

A813 n. answer, reply; response, react

A814 n. responsibility, accountability; duty, obligation responsibility

A815 a. responsible, liable; responsible

A816 vt. to restore, (make) restore

A817 n. summary, synopsis; resume

A817 n. summary of, or a summary of, an article; a resume

A818 n. a summary of, or an overview of, an article; a resume

A819 n. an abstract of, or an outline of, an article; a summary of an article; a summary of an article; a summary of an article resume

A818 vt. reveal, divulge; show, reveal

A819 n. (of a country) age, tax; income, revenue
