A: Cuntan No. 1 Square Pod Hospital is located in Cuntan Harbor, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City
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Cuntan Square Pod Hospital has eight districts, 67 pods, and more than 20,000 beds fully staffed
Heavy Medical Center attached to the second hospital is the trustee of the Cuntan Square Pod Hospital hospitals, the formation of the Yuelai Square Pods and Yinglong Square Pods. It now serves as a safeguard hospital for Cuntan Square Cabin Hospital's medical teams from other provinces coming to Chongqing, and also undertakes the medical treatment work in A4 area, which has opened 1,000 beds and admitted 926 patients. This time, Cuntan Square Pod Hospital has invested a large number of core team to complete all the difficult tasks in the shortest possible time and with high quality.
Fully staffed
The medical team of Cuntan Square Cabin Hospital Area A4 consists of medical and nursing teams from the respiratory medicine, cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology, geriatrics, general medicine, liver and gallbladder surgery, gastrointestinal and anorectal surgery, orthopedics, and otolaryngology, covering all kinds of common illnesses, and a team of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which plays an extremely important role in the prevention and treatment of neoconjugate pneumonia.
The entire medical team members have aid to Hubei, Shanghai, Tibet, foreign aid and other new crown treatment work experience, are the hospital's elite strong. At the same time, Changshou, Wushan more than 40 medical personnel with the hospital **** with the patient management and medical treatment work, providing strong support.
Perfect mechanism
In the cabin, a three-tier quality control system has been set up for the team leader in the class, the team leader in the team, and the hospital, as well as a "three-check" assessment mechanism of comprehensive census, key inspection, and effect tracing, to ensure the safety of patients in the cabin. Comprehensive census" refers to the strict standardization of nurses to implement daily vital signs monitoring and hierarchical nursing system; "key inspection" refers to the strengthening of the assessment of patients' basic diseases, screening of psychological problems, and focusing on children and elderly patients, and "effect tracing" refers to the following Do a good job of shift handover, medical and nursing handover and tracking management to ensure the medical safety of key patients.
Responsibilities and tasks are clear
Zhao Xiaodong said, the Second Hospital of Heavy Medicine created a list management model, the development of a list of key tasks for each position in the square cabin nursing, to ensure that all positions of medical and nursing staff to implement the job responsibilities; the development of an integrated cabin nurses shift handover and nursing record sheets, and the use of color block management method, the focus of the handover highlights the general handover will not be missed, to ensure that the implementation of the shift handover system. For patients with minor illnesses and asymptomatic new crowns in the square cabin hospital, the hospital makes every effort to provide patients with the best medical treatment services.
Sound treatment mechanism
"The square pod is a hospital with the role of medical treatment." Zhao Xiaodong said that the pod is mainly for the new crown pneumonia patients with mild symptoms and asymptomatic infected people. For asymptomatic infected people is mainly for medical observation, mildly ill patients are mainly symptomatic treatment. Square cabin has a good health monitoring system, if there is a change in the condition of the patient, but also can be quickly and orderly transfer to the designated hospital treatment.